
Stop everything, it’s playground time

On the third day of new year, we took a break from all the visiting and went to visit the park instead. There were audible cheers from the kids and they’re right, park visiting is the very best kind of visiting there is.

After two days of blistering heat, it was just glorious, cool breeze over at Pasir Ris park. Who can resist?

Baby Finn was so excited he was like “laters y’all, imma go have me some playground fun!”

laters, y'all

He got to the play area where there were all these activity panels, of which some had cut out holes for kids to stick their heads through to take a photo. Probably meant to be cute but baby Finn has a thing where headless figures seriously creep him out so he was walking past all the panels and he started getting real concerned about The Place With All The Creepy Headless People.

creepy headless people

exhausted baby

daddy help

Truett was so tickled by baby Finn’s horrified, creeped out face but after he was done laughing his head off, he took his brother’s hand and walked him through the whole thing, telling him not to be afraid because “kor kor is here”.

Which is exactly what big brothers are for. They may laugh at you from time to time but they’re always there to hold your hand when it gets scary.


According to these guys, playground time is “more awesome than anything else in the world”. Except maybe ice-cream time.

turning thing

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  • Reply Adorra February 3, 2014 at 2:22 pm

    So cute! And baby Finn’s hair is still as gorgeous as ever. Enviesss! Happy New Year babe! Hope you and all the babies inclusive of the one inside your tumms are well! x

    • Reply Daphne February 3, 2014 at 4:31 pm

      Happy New Year to you too, hope you had a good one! Yeah babies are good..the one inside has been the most difficult one by far but otherwise I think she’s having a good time. Haha notice I said she but it could very well be a boy. Let’s hope not.

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