kids in motion, picture perfect

Stuck in a moment you can’t get out of

One of the gems of motherhood is getting to witness moments like these. The sort of death of indignity that can only be inflicted when you get stuck in a tiny little crevice.

That turns into mild alarm.

Which builds into full scale panic like HELPPPP SOMEBODY GET ME OUT OF HERE! MOMMMM!!!!!

But you know the best cure for that is just a bit of this.

Throw in another for good measure.

And we’re right as rain.

PS If you were wondering, I’m not really that big a U2 fan but the husband is and he gets a kick out of seeing U2 song titles reference so just for you, babe.

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  • Reply Audrey October 22, 2010 at 12:18 am

    OMG! That’s absolutely nightmarish! I hope she wasn’t *really* falling off the railing onto the level below! (Too many similar-type compos in a day.) Where’s this place by the way? I’m superly impressed that you could take shots while Kirsten’s in such a position! I’m still in a state of shock…
    Audrey´s last post ..My Two Older Babies

    • Reply Daphne October 22, 2010 at 12:26 am

      OHHHH, there was a glass panel behind her so there was no way she could have fallen off the ledge, she was just stuck between the glass and the railing and it was too cute to not take a picture! We were just outside Astons at the airport T1, it’s got a nice big area for the kids to run.

      • Reply Audrey October 22, 2010 at 3:50 pm

        I see! Phew! Kirsten’s absolutely yummy-licious and adorable! She’s such a sweetie! :) Truett’s definitely her knight in shining armour for now, rescuing the damsel in distress! :)
        Audrey´s last post ..My Two Older Babies

  • Reply Rachel October 22, 2010 at 10:04 am

    so there’s a glass panel, no wonder you can still take a pic. otherwise, i would hv freaked out completely..

  • Reply jacqueline yeo October 22, 2010 at 11:04 am

    Love the old-school frock you have on for her, and it is SO sweet when the 2 of them are so loving! (it happens only at VERY rare moments in my house…)
    BTW, i think the question has been asked before abt HAPPEE day, if we were not volunteering but would still like to bring along the kiddies and say hi, is it possible?

    • Reply Daphne October 22, 2010 at 1:40 pm

      Yes, please bring the kids along if you can but do let us know as soon as you can confirm cos we need to know how many adults and kids are going to show up. That will help us a lot in terms of logistics planning so just drop me an email if you’re coming by k!

  • Reply Tin October 22, 2010 at 4:57 pm

    Aiyo… I was like holding my breath while I looked through the pictures! It looked so real and dangerous!
    Tin´s last post ..Best drawing ever!

  • Reply The Savvy Mummy October 23, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    Ya, you got us in quite a scare with the pics. But I must say they are absolutely adorable in the photos!
    The Savvy Mummy´s last post ..Support for Breastfeeding Mothers in Singapore

  • Reply beanbean October 25, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    goodness, it looked like Kirsten was falling off the raliing! hah, got quite a fright when i first saw the pics!

  • Reply daphne October 25, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    @Rachel, Tin, Savvy Mummy and beanbean, hahaha upon closer inspection, I can see how it looks like she’s falling off the railing. I do give the kids a lot of room to explore but I’m really not a sociopath, i.e. I wouldn’t be snapping pictures of my kid in mortal danger and then posting it up on the Internet and gloating about it. I also tell them not to take drugs or play with venomous snakes…I’m really quite particular about safety that way.

  • Reply YH October 26, 2010 at 12:47 pm

    Ya I can’t believe my eyes too when I saw those pictures of Kristen holding on to the railing for her life. Would hv jump over to grab her myself. Such photos are not for people who has weak heart like me. Ha ha… I noticed Kristen has grown quite tall now, right? I wish Casey can meet her some day.

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