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Boutique designer baby clothes

It was only after I had kids that I realized how pricey kids clothes are. Given how little cloth is required to make one article of clothing, it has always baffled me that a pair of miniature jeans can often cost the same price as a pair of adult jeans, if not more. One pair of my jeans can make at least 5 pairs of baby jeans, do the math.

The husband says it’s all down to the intricate craftsmanship of tiny jeans because it takes a higher level of skill to make a miniature version of something. I’m not sure that’s true because a miniature Eiffel Tower is way easier to make than the actual one.

In any case, I’m constantly on the lookout for great quality kids clothes that are well-designed and provide value for money. I mean, I’d really like to dress the kids in fancy schmancy designer togs but I ain’t selling any organs to fund it so more often than not, we go for the basic and functional.

I was recently introduced to a new website called MyLittleMuse.com, which brings in imported boutique designer brands from all over the world at very affordable prices. Brands like Kutie Protocol, Bob & Blossom, Dandystar and Hucklebones. After browsing the impressive selection, I was immediately in love with their range of jeans. I have like a jeans fetish because I basically live in them and this momma loves me some skinny jeans.

This is Kirsten in an Egg Baby White Jersey Tee and Denim Skinny Pants. (all clothes featured here come courtesy of MyLittleMuse.com)

I typically style her in dresses because all the pants she’s tried on made her look tubby. But this one fit like a glove and the way it tapered at the ankles adds an illusion of height to her tiny frame. It’s also really soft and comfy.

And this is my little man wearing a pair of Kutie Protocol Adam & Eve skinny jeans. I made him take off his shirt so that he could reenact the scene in Captain America where Chris Evans stepped out of the machine with his giant muscles. I watched it over the weekend and there was an audible gasp in the theatre during that particular scene.

Right, back to the jeans. I loved that all the Kutie Protocol jeans are named after famous couples like Bonnie & Clyde, Popeye & Olive because they’re equally suitable for guys and girls. And the cut for this pair is so awesome that I really want one for myself.

And several more pictures for a closer look at the clothes. Or the muscles.

How would you guys like to win an outfit of your choice from MyLittleMuse.com? Simply head over here to pick your favorite outfit and leave a comment below on which item(s) you’d like to win. It can be a top + bottom or a one-piece apparel.

Contest closes on Sunday 21 August and MLM owner Aye Leadbeater will select one winner to walk away with his/her chosen outfit. Happy shopping!

Update: The winner for the Miele S6 giveaway has been announced here! Thanks again to everyone who took the time to join the contest! It’s now going into my list of lifetime achievements that I made 158 people say pure air.

Update x 2: Contest is open to Singapore residents only. Do remember to include your email address so I can contact you if you do win!

WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT! Congrats to Adeline, our 16th comment. Drop me an email at daphne [at] motherinc [dot] org with your contact details by 25 August so we can get in touch with you to pick up the gorgeous new outfit for your boy!

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