
Otterly adorable



This is exactly how baby Theo sleeps. I saw a video of this baby otter sleeping on its mommy and it is exactly my baby every single day. I never really understood the appeal of this particular sleeping posture but after seeing the video, it is all clear to me now.

Unfortunately, with Theo and baby Hayley both getting bigger, this is becoming quite impossible. I’ve been trying to find new ways for this baby to sleep but he  gets irrationally upset when he’s not snuggled up on top of me.

Yesterday, I told him this cannot go on anymore because there is baby Hayley is in mommy’s tummy and I can only handle one baby on top of me at any one time. There were a lot of tears but finally, he decided that the next best way to fall asleep was with his own baby Hayley. :)

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from around here

Celebrating the 9

We celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary last week. 9 years! That’s one way to make a girl feel old.

Although I intend to grow very old with this man so 9 years seems like a tiny blip but truth is, it feels like we’ve been doing this forever and I almost can’t remember what life was like before we got married. It must have been awful. Being married is like finding the one person you like most in the entire world and getting to spend every day with them.

We had something fancy planned last Friday but Finn and Theo were both battling a week-long viral fever that went up to 40.7°, so we had to improvise. That’s ok. We’ll usually accumulate our missed celebrations for the year and celebrate the heck out of all of it when we travel anyway. Instead, we had breakfast at our favourite ban mian stall at the market, and then we managed to sneak in a tea break rendezvous in the afternoon, and then I went to bed at 9.30. We’re such party animals.

I love me some special dates and fancy plans but I think it’s a sign of age because I’m starting to really like the boring breakfasts and short pockets of time we get to have here and there. Perhaps even more so.

The past 9 years turned out to be nothing like what I imagined but somehow, it’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of.

Happy anniversary, baby.


In other news, Finn is away with my mom to Melbourne for 2 weeks and I miss him SO MUCH. I don’t know what I was thinking letting him leave me for 14 whole days. I may have cried myself to sleep last night while holding his blankie.

Right before he left, he was all “I think I don’t want to go to Melbourne, I want to stay with you, mom…” and I was like “DON’T WORRY, MOMMY WILL CANCEL THE TICKETS!!” But he hugged me and put on a brave face as he said bye and left for the flight. :(

I think parenting makes you do irrational things. It’s only been a day and I’m in withdrawal so bad I’m about to book a ticket to Melbourne just to retrieve him.

I’m never letting him leave me for 14 days again, that’s for sure.

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27 weeks

It’s week 27 and I realise that I haven’t written much about this pregnancy. This is what happens when it’s your fifth time being pregnant, I suppose. It’s just 40 weeks more of the same.

Speaking of, I’ve spent almost 187 weeks of my life being pregnant. That’s just insane. A friend was commenting the other day, “You must really enjoy being pregnant!” and to that, my answer was “No, I most certainly do not.” I know some women are made to be pregnant and they spend the 40 weeks basking in that pregnancy glow. After 5 pregnancies, I know of no such glow. I only have one strategy to surviving pregnancy, which is to just buckle down and get past each day until the baby comes out.

I’ve had a really easy pregnancy (Finn!) and a really killer pregnancy (Theo!) and this baby is neither. So far, baby Hayley is like a 6.5 on the killer pregnancy scale, but then we’re just moving into the third trimester territory, so there’s the usual backaches, cramps, severe heartburn, shortness of breath, and general swelling of everything.

There are some really great unexpected perks with this pregnancy though, and I’m enjoying them immensely.

++I was out at the supermarket with Truett, Kirsten and Finn and they refused to let me carry any of the groceries. I could tell that they were struggling under the weight of the milk and fruits and supplies but they insisted that I couldn’t carry anything because I’m pregnant. Between the 3 of them, they took care of all the groceries all the way to the car. I kept offering to help but they were all “NO, YOU NEED TO RELAX!!”

++Now that my stomach is getting noticeably bigger, the kids are kissing and hugging the baby all the time, which basically means more hugs for me (without even asking!) and I’ll never say no to that.

++My back was hurting really bad a few days ago and I was like at my personal spa for the day. Tru and Kirsten were taking turns massaging my back while Finn was patting my head and Theo was singing the ABC song very loudly.

++ Having at least one baby attempting to hold my hand when we’re out, “in case I fall down”. So adorable. I wanted to tell them that I’ve done this successfully 4 times and being pregnant doesn’t make me an invalid but then I decided to milk it for all it’s worth.

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