out of the box

The time where I got pwned by a baby

Tru has been sick again and every time he falls ill, it’s not pretty for everyone involved. And by that I mean me.

I’m inclined to say that it’s a boy thing because I hope to God that baby girl will not go through this awful phase. He does this massive meltdown 3-4 times every hour. He wants to eat, then he doesn’t want to eat and spits it out and swipes the bowl away, then screams for water but hates the water bottle and wants to drink from a cup but spills everything on the floor. He wants strawbabies and gapes and coffee. Seriously? Coffee?

He’ll fling himself onto the ground in a very primal manner and shriek like a banshee when I’m a split-second too slow. And in that split-second, he suddenly decides that it’s not what he wants anymore and even when he gets it, he shrieks some more. It’s all very fun to watch if you’re a sadist.

meltdown mode alert

There’s something about a baby’s screech that drives your blood pressure into overdrive. It makes me want to join in but I obviously can’t because I’m a responsible adult with self-control so I take 10 minute breaks to hide under the sink and take deep breaths.

Whenever he’s in this state, I need him to take his naps but what fun would it be if he actually went to sleep without fussing? So during nap time yesterday, he gave me a thousand reasons why he didn’t have to sleep it was then that I realised he’s learnt the art of pooping at will. He figured out that every time he poops, he gets to delay sleeping and have fun watching me scrub, dry and diaper his bum. He did it 3 times and each time, he’d say that he was all done but the moment he’s all clean, voila, a fresh pack.

After being in negotiations with him for over an hour, Kirsten woke up so I made him lie down to sleep and left the room. The whole time I was feeding baby girl, he stood at the door and said “mommy, open the door, please, open the door, mommy, open, please” in various combinations. So I did, and he rushed out, tears and mucus flying everywhere, hugged me and said “sorry mommy“.

I hugged him back and said “mommy’s sorry too, sweetheart. I guess you don’t have to sleep if you don’t want to.” And with a glint in his eye, he smiled.

That, my friends, is how you get pwned by a baby.

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  • Reply Novie March 14, 2010 at 5:03 pm

    Being a mother is not easy, but our frustration and tiredness disappear when we see a smile on the face of our children or when they tell us “I love you, mama/mommy”.

    Take care.

    • Reply Daphne March 17, 2010 at 4:42 pm

      @Novie, I think they know that too. My boy flashes his megawatt smile every time he’s in trouble. And the worst thing is that IT WORKS EVERY TIME. I shouldn’t be so predictable.

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