Finn, not feeling so supermom

Soldiering on

Day 5 postpartum.

I’m in the twilight zone – my days and nights have fused into one giant ball of sleeplessness.

I’ve forgotten how exhausting it is to take care of a newborn. I keep hearing infant-crying noises in my head, and it turns out that 90% of them are real, which at this point is possibly worse than hearing imaginary crying sounds.

The postnatal blues is not helping either. It’s not nearly as bad as the first 2 kids and I was mentally prepared for it but it’s still tough to deal with sometimes.

Days like these, I get through each day by reminding myself to be thankful. And not just a perfunctory “ok, let’s be thankful” but to spend time focusing on all the things I’ve got to be grateful for.

1. Finn is healthy and growing well. Every time he cries, it’s a reminder that God gave him to us and he’s everything that we could have asked for.

2. Truett and Kirsten are amazing older siblings. They kiss him and pat him and cuddle him whenever he’s awake. It’s a real joy to watch.

3. The return of Superdad. He’s always been super but with the new baby, he seems to have leveled up his powers. He takes the 2 bigger kids off my hands, helps out with Finn, does the chores and spends whatever time he has left doing actual work. Then at the end of every day, he gives me a hug and tells me that everything is going to be ok.

4. My mom and my mom-in-law have been a tremendous help, taking care of the cooking, cleaning, and being around to watch the kids.

5. The benefit of experience. Knowing that the madness is temporary and things will get better in a couple of weeks.

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  • Reply josh August 31, 2012 at 11:19 am

    You’ve got a handsome looking one there. ;) Take care Daphne!

  • Reply Katriina August 31, 2012 at 11:22 am

    Hang in there, Daphne. The unrelenting sleep-deprivation that comes with a newborn is awful. I remember… Good on you for taking a moment to count your blessings, but it’s also totally ok to allow yourself to feel like crap sometimes. One day at a time!

    • Reply Daphne August 31, 2012 at 4:46 pm

      I can’t wait for him to sleep through the night!! Truett did it in 4 months and Kirsten did it in 2. Yeah, one day at a time..

  • Reply Katriina August 31, 2012 at 11:23 am

    PS: Finn looks absolutely perfect! What an adorable little man!

  • Reply Elizabeth August 31, 2012 at 11:43 am

    I know! It’s tough and I won’t tell you it isn’t! But God’s grace will always be enough! :) hugs

  • Reply D August 31, 2012 at 3:27 pm

    Hi Daphne, I’ve never commented before but I’ve read EVERY single one of your blog posts hahaha I’m only 21 and technically the bulk of it is currently irrelevant but you’ve managed to get me hooked onto all your stories…this blog is now on my everyday-read list. Just wanted to thank you for making many of my days with your hilarious blog, and to let you know that you have beautiful children.

    Hang in there, you’ll make it through and you’ll be a terrific mom just like you always have been. God bless (: Can’t wait to read your next post already!

    P.S., Finn needs his own sidebar picture

    • Reply Daphne August 31, 2012 at 4:48 pm

      Thanks D! That’s really sweet!

      Oh yes, will have to include his photo soon

  • Reply Bun Bun Makeup Tips August 31, 2012 at 5:38 pm

    handsome boy! there’s like a tiny smirk on, how charming. =)
    Bun Bun Makeup Tips´s last post ..Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Blogger Event: Of Pyjamas, Candles And Some Boob Talk

  • Reply Steffi August 31, 2012 at 9:12 pm

    Hi Daphne,

    I have a young one as well and his name is Michael. People say we will forget how tough it is to take care of a young baby, but it’s still fresh in my head now! And you having three kids… you are a super mum already.

    Great job to your husband too!Take care!

  • Reply alexis September 1, 2012 at 7:00 am

    Hahaha so cute,grumpy little one. Hang in there!

  • Reply Madeline September 2, 2012 at 9:40 am

    Jiayou Daph! Sigh.. I’m wondering how I will cope with my 2nd one too but like what you said, we always manage to with some help. Ooo Finn is so cute!

    Oh and we met Superdad yesterday at Legoland. We were 4 adults watching 1 kid, he was 1 adult watching 2. Amazing. Haha.

    P.S. I agree. You’re a supermom too! =)
    Madeline´s last post ..Switzerland: The Land of Mountains & Swiss Watches

  • Reply Susan September 3, 2012 at 3:11 pm

    The initial months are always harder with baby waking up ever so often for feeds. But keeping chanting, it will get better, it will get better. Take care and rest up whenever you can.

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