
Ready for the move

Things have been a little crazy around here because we’re moving! After 8 years in this house, we decided to sell it because it felt like time for a change so we listed the place thinking that it would take some time to have it sold, but then it got sold pretty quick and everything has escalated and now we have to say goodbye to the house and we’re in transition, in a rental for a year until we get our permanent living arrangements sorted out. Phew! Just talking about it was tiring.

I don’t get sentimental about places but now that the move is finally happening, I think I’m going to miss this house quite a bit.

We’ve spent 8 years living here – it’s the place we moved into when we first got married, with just a bed, a sofa, some chairs and a coffee machine. And then we slowly added stuff to make it our home over the years.

I remember exactly where I sat the day I discovered that I was pregnant with Truett. I remember the turquoise bumbo chair my squishy little Kirtsen used to sit in to watch the world go by as an infant. I remember building forts with blankets and snuggling with my babies in them on rainy afternoons. It’s not fancy but this is the place we spent making so many memories as a family, and I think I’m really going to miss it when we leave.

//Thankfully though, it’s all been as smooth as I could have asked for (as smooth as such things go). But still, there’s so much stuff to look into, like the actual shift. I’m feeling a little nervy about having to pack up our entire lives into little boxes over the next couple of weeks.

In a way, it feels like the right time to start something new. Which is good because change can be so exciting. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES!!

//Interiors blogs are my new obsession. Here, herehere and here. All these gorgeous homes with amazing decorating ideas and I can’t stop looking at other people’s homes. I think maybe I’ll do one of these homely nesting posts once everything is up and ready.

In the meantime, look, my babies at the playground over the weekend.

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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1 Comment

  • Reply Pris July 8, 2015 at 3:10 am

    Awww… I feel you. It was the same for me when we moved out of our place last July. It was the house that we became parents to two boys and everything became so sentimental. But now that we’ve been living in our new place for exactly a year now, I’m sooo happy and can’t imagine living in that previous smaller and older apartment anymore!

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