walk on
Some days, this is exactly how I feel. Like the kitten, not the legs, I mean. Although the legs are pretty much indicative of the monotony of my life most of the time. But on days like today, I feel like my little feline friend, except I’m also dragging 2 even smaller kittens along with me.
I honestly thought I had come out from the dark and twisty broken phase. The days of sudden and uncontrollable crying, where I’m all alone in the world and I can’t breathe and I’m drowning and everything is messed up. I try screaming for help but nothing comes out and I just want to crawl under the sink and hide even though it smells like rotting drain crap.
I’ve never actually been diagnosed with depression before, and the two times I came anywhere close to it was right after giving birth to my two kids. After Tru, I pretty much sauntered out of it about 4 weeks postpartum, after I decided to take refuge at my mom’s place instead of going it alone. I must say, having people around helps as a distraction and because I don’t cry in front of people. (the husband says I’ve got a heart of stone, but it’s mostly because deep down inside, I’m afraid once I start, I’ll be blubbering for hours) So I’m pretty good at holding it all in when there’s company. I’m cool like that.
After Kirsten, it’s been more of a dance with the depression. My head is flirting with it, and I still haven’t been able to shake it off completely. On bad days, I wake up with a sick feeling in my stomach that doesn’t go away no matter what I do. And it’s been 12 weeks now. There’s the crying, and the edginess and the generally short fuse, which usually ends up with the guilt and the self pity.
I’ve done some research and it sounds like textbook postnatal depression. It’s probably a combination of factors, like the breastfeeding, (yes, I still feel like I took a hit to the gut every time I express milk and that’s 6 solid punches in a day) the sleep deprivation (thanks to the breastfeeding), the solitary confinement with 2 kids and the truckload of pressure I put on myself to be on top of my game every. single. day.
I actually seriously considered some medication to help with the depression. Seems like a simple and fuss-free way to deal. And from what I hear, it actually works. Makes you all light and floaty, without a care in the world. What wouldn’t I give to be on cloud nine right about now. But the only thing holding me back is the knowledge that once I start with the meds, it’s a long and slippery slope downhill. It’s a pandora’s box I don’t want opened just yet. At least not until I’m well and truly off my rocker.
So far, I’ve been taking each day as it comes and it does seem like its getting better. The depression hits less often now and with less intensity. I can sometimes go 4-5 days without losing my shit so I guess that’s a good sign. But just when I think I’m ok and life is good, I lose it again. Especially on days like today where BOTH kids are down with a flu and it’s Tuesday and I’m stoned out of my mind from the lack of sleep.
And all I can do when I’m in the dark and twisty phase? Just walk on.
Hi Daphne
Happened to come across your blog and have been dropping by to read your posts, often laced with so much humour. :) Just wanted to drop you a note to say that you’re really blessed to be a stay-at-home mum to your cute kids and I can tell you’re doing a great job. Stay cheerful and positive. You’ve got the greatest job in the world! :)
Hi I know it’s really NOT EASY to be SAHM with 2 kids so young at home… I think you are already taken a lot on your shoulders (i would have peng-san-ed anytime). When I take care of my twins sometimes alone at home there are times when i feel sooo frustrated that i just, like you, wanna hide under the blankets and shut them all away from my sight. I would think negatively – WTH am i doing here???
But one thing I always remind myself – THEY WILL GROW UP and this terribly hard time WILL PASS. Do stay strong!! JIA YOU JIA YOU!!!!
I think you are a super great mommy to sacrifice your career for the sake of your kids, and I definitely don’t think I have that much courage as you. It’s a thankless job, and the rewards may come much later in life, but hang on! You are doing a tremendous job!!
.-= kless´s last blog ..Little Joey On A Bike =-.
Kudos to you man, Daph! I think I’d probably slit my wrists with just one kid, what more two consecutively!
Don’t feel you have to do everything. When I get that feeling in the pit of my stomach, I recognize that I need to just stop what I’m doing–I don’t mean being a mom–I mean take the day off from the to-do list. I remember feeling that way about nursing my second and 3rd sons. When I quit, the feeling of overwhelming stress went away. However, I nursed with my 4 and loved it with my 5th. You don’t have to be super mom. I know exactly how you feel about everything you have on your plate. Sometimes we just need to put something back.
I pray blessings for you today, peace, and joy!
.-= maryleigh´s last blog ..♥ Shouldn’t Children be Encouraged to Defend Themselves? =-.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and very kind remarks. It helps when you know you’re not in this alone, and that others have been there, done that.
Hopefully a few more years down the road I’ll be offering the same advice to a younger mom!
Hi! I don’t know you….found you through a blog search. I really like the way you write, it has made me chuckle a couple of times! I read this blog and it was like I wrote it myself……almost a year ago. I had pretty bad postpartum depression and tried for a long time to shake it on my own (6 months). Then I tried medication, then therapy and finally I got a prescription for Ambien, pumped milk for the hubbs to do night feedings with,and scheduled 2-4 hours at a time away from the kids (once a week). The sleep and time away worked far better than medication or therapy. It’s suffocating to be alone in a house with little ones day in and day out, and sleep deprivation can seriously cause the crazy! See if your hubby/mother/friends can help you for a few hours a week so that you can get out ALONE and do some shopping, or go to the gym, or just lay on a blanket in the shade….mellow uninterrupted time seriously helps! I was a hardcore breast feeder with both my girls and the thought of letting my husband feed my youngest a bottle of breast milk tore me up inside, but a couple night feedings a week won’t hurt your supply, it won’t hurt your bonding, and a well rested, (well, at least semi well rested) happy Mama is better for everyone! I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t jump to the meds…..there are so many other things that might help you without altering the chemicals in your brain. Good luck, and keep blogging!
.-= Gina´s last blog ..nothing to do on a Saturday =-.
Postpartum depression is real. LOTS of us wrestle with it. It helps to talk about it, so kuddos to you for sharing this with us. I totally agree that getting some space for yourself, some quality time ALONE, can be a real boost. Want some other suggestions? Read the March of Dimes info and watch the video: http://www.marchofdimes.com/pnhec/59916_15755.asp
[…] what I was thinking attempting to look after a newborn and an almost toddler all by myself while battling post-natal depression. If you missed all that drama, you can look back at the archives from 13 July 2009, but only if you […]
[…] great sex. It just takes a lot more effort and advanced planning, while dealing with exhaustion, postpartum depression, leaky boobs, cramps, fussy babies and a whole lot of tension. Seeing how we’ve been […]
Hi Daf! I have to comment on this post after reading it again. A few years have past and you have offered the same advice to a younger mum – ME! Please continue doing what you do best – blogging and parenting!
Hi Jennifer!
I haven’t read this post for a while myself, it is a reminder of a dark, dark season of my life but I’ve walked on right through it.
You’ll be fine, I promise.
[…] Kirsten, I struggled with it a lot. It didn’t help that I was physically, emotionally and mentally stretched to the limit trying […]