
So bad it’s good

Being a stay home mom redefines the term guilty pleasure. Because I have so little me time, I need to maximize the amount of catharsis satisfaction I derive from every minute of frivolous endeavor. On any given day, I have about an hour of alone time, amalgamated from six 10-minute blocks, and they have done wonders in maintaining my zen.

Where I used to spend a whole afternoon getting my fix from devouring Kite Runner or The White Tiger, I now have to find alternatives that can do the job in 10 minutes.

So here’s my mommy’s list of guilty pleasures. I suggest you try them out if you hate yourself and/or intend to put on a hundred pounds and/or wish to get mocked at mercilessly by your friends and/or are too cool to bother.

1. KOI Bubble Tea

2. Gossip Girl


3. Wheel of Fortune


We're never leaving this show. Never!

4. Trashy magazines

5. Coffee ice cream

coffee ice cream


6. Baby Got Back (Sir Mixxalot)

7. Harry Potter fanfiction

8. The OC


9. Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream potato chips

10. Oprah


the power of the audience is in my hands! whatever that means.

11. Blogstalking

12. Online shopping

13. Elton John

14. Text Twist

15. Ask the Bloggess

16. HIMYM (Barney’s blog here)

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  • Reply karen@strictlysimplestyle October 9, 2009 at 12:19 am

    My children are in school all day so I have plenty of time to myself, but when they were younger, I’d arrange play dates so that I could get together with other adults. You can only watch so much Sesame Street before you feel like you’re losing your mind.

    Glad I found you on SITS.
    .-= karen@strictlysimplestyle´s last blog ..Martha Moments =-.

  • Reply Marjorie October 9, 2009 at 3:46 am

    I saw your post in roll call today and I couldn’t resist stopping by! I love me some great yerba mate chocolate tea for my Mommy escape. Try it!

    Make it a great day!
    .-= Marjorie´s last blog ..Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez and the cast of Camp Rock =-.

  • Reply Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com October 9, 2009 at 11:14 am

    I am sooooo with you on the potato chip front. That is my number one stay-at-home-mom guilty pleasure. It’s like “The baby is down for a two minute nap, QUICK! TO THE CHIPS!”

    Seriously, what did I do with all that free time pre-baby?
    .-= Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com´s last blog ..Better start saving for therapy. =-.

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