
Mommy Moments

The 2 most common remarks I get when people hear that I’m pregnant again is “you guys are very fertile!” and “you must really like kids!”

The fertile bit is probably true, and for that we’re incredibly grateful.

But the bit about really liking kids isn’t necessarily true all the time. To be precise, 87% of the time, I love being a mom. The other 13%…well, not so much. And the secret is to focus on the good parts so that when you feel like making lists of all the terrible things you want to do to the kids, you remember how much you actually love them.

Maybe all this excitement about having a new baby has been making me sentimental but here’s what being a mom is like for me.

It’s having icy-cold tiny toes dig at my shins in the middle of the night and feel both annoyed and comforted at the same time.

It’s getting unlimited baby kisses whenever I make up imaginary aches and pains.

It’s not having any money to spend on my own shopping because I spent it all on super cute baby clothes. But so worth it.

It’s feeling the softness of a tiny hand inside mine and not having to let go.

It’s arbitrating fights and then see them hug it out all lovey-dovey minutes later. And then see them fight all over again.

It’s being there for a snuggle the moment they wake up from their naps and peer at me with eyes that can barely open.

It’s sharing a slobbery ice-cream cone that’s melting all over my hands and not be grossed out.

It’s hearing them say “I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH” even if I first have to ask “do you love mommy” eleventy billion times.

It’s losing all my me-time and not really minding because all my happiest moments are spent with them anyway.

What’s your mommy moment?

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  • Reply Jaime Chan January 30, 2012 at 10:32 am

    my mummy moment

    forced to wake up at 7am on a non working days with 2 kids jumping, screaming sumo wrestling each other on the bed!!!

    and i still wish they wouldnt grow up so fast!!!

  • Reply pc January 30, 2012 at 11:11 am

    first of all, CONGRATULATIONS! (sorry for the late response…)

    secondly, you have just make re-consider another child…

    and lastly, my mommy moment… the soft little voice shouts for “mummy!”

    Enjoy your journey there:)!
    pc´s last post ..Wrapping up, 2011!

  • Reply Marilyn January 30, 2012 at 11:22 am

    I am new to your blog and loving every bit so far. Very inspiring to all mothers, mothers-to-be…to all women really. :)
    I think you are a great mommy!! Hope I can be just like you in time to come! :)

  • Reply mimi January 30, 2012 at 11:25 am

    congratulations on the third!! i’m a bit envious (always wanted 3!) and yea favourite mommy moments: getting tons of “i love you, mama” cards with squiggly drawings and scheming hugs and doe-eyed grins when i’m mad. oh and “wahhh mama, you’re so pretty!!!” on the occasional times I put in a bit more effort in dressing up.

  • Reply lilsnooze January 30, 2012 at 1:19 pm

    When they stop fussing the moment they see you, or when you carry them :)
    lilsnooze´s last post ..Colours burst in the sky

  • Reply Fang January 30, 2012 at 4:00 pm

    My mommy moment…when they are sobbing or sad, its having them lie, put their lil head on my chest, arms around me and finding comfort in mummy’s caress or gentle pat.

    Makes the late night pumping all worthwhile…
    Fang´s last post ..Friends

  • Reply sherry January 30, 2012 at 5:18 pm

    The calm before the storm…my mommy moment is going into my daughter’s room in the morning or after nap when she is still sleeping and snuggling up to her to wake her up. Running my fingers through her knotted hair, staring at her bright red cheeks, squeezing her warm toddler hands and breathing in her baby breath…then a minute later the “fun” begins and the little bunny doesn’t stop for the rest of the day.

  • Reply DancingMommy January 30, 2012 at 9:43 pm

    I love it when she is breastfeeding, actually. Really enjoying her milk and behaving as if she owes my boob. It’s a precious moment and bonding time.
    DancingMommy´s last post ..Giving our children a good Head start

  • Reply Elaine January 30, 2012 at 11:59 pm

    Mummy moment: The “I will walk with you and only you” moments when Sophia holds one of my hands (fingers) and flings off any other hand that tries to hold her other hand.
    Elaine´s last post ..“Her hair can tie already”

  • Reply Angela Yeo January 31, 2012 at 10:06 am

    Mummy moment: When I sing and dance and act silly he will giggle as if it is the funniest thing he has ever seen.

  • Reply qiu xian January 31, 2012 at 10:10 am

    Congrats on your new baby! :)

    My mummy moments has got to be when the son comes over and goes, ‘hug mama, kiss mama’.. it always makes me feel so touched by his gesture of love.
    qiu xian´s last post ..Horses and mispronunciation

  • Reply jen January 31, 2012 at 4:04 pm

    ~i already accepted that ‘me time’ for me now means spending more time with the kids and the hubby :)
    jen´s last post ..New Bag! Secosana

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