kids inc, motherhood

I call this quid pro quo

Just when this motherhood thing seems like it is as good as it gets, it suddenly gets better when you least expect it and it makes you feel all woggly inside.

Moments like these make you remember why you wanted to be a mom in the first place. When these moments come knocking, I write it down so that when it gets really bad and I feel like stabbing someone with a fork, I make myself take deep breaths and read it over and over again until I feel my blood pressure come back down.

Kirsten: please don't crush me

Kirsten: please don't crush me

Kirsten: now I will eat your brains

Kirsten: now I will eat your brains

1. Tru saying I love you for the first time. I tell him that about 500 times a day and I just assumed it was too difficult to say. He was busy doing his rounds in the living room one day when he walked over to me, cocked his head to one side and said I love you in the sweetest little baby voice. It could have been I need more cookies, but I’m almost certain he *meant* I love you.

2. Watching the kids and hug and kiss each other. Most of the time, Tru squeezes Kirsten too hard and makes her shriek but deep down inside, she really loves the attention from her big brother. It’s probably a shriek of delight.

3. Snuggly time. I put both kids together on my bed and tumble around and hug them real tight until they turn a little blue before I let them pause for air. Rinse and repeat.

4. Hearing Kirsten giggle. She’s got a deep, rumbly chuckle for such a sweet little baby. The only thing that sets her off is when Daddy goes “Ooohhhhhhhh” in her face. (Doesn’t work for mama) It’s terribly lame and there’s nothing funny about that but she clearly thinks it’s hilarious.

5. When Tru offers me the last piece of his favorite biscuit. He’s probably figured out that we’ll give him 2 more pieces extra for “sharing” so when he’s down to his last one, he needs to make it multiply. Still, brownie points for offering it to me.

6. No matter how awful she feels, baby girl will always stop and flash me a smile whenever I pick her up.

7. Surprise hugs. Makes me feel oh-so-special.

8. Group hugs. Right after we high-five and chest-bump each other.

9. Doing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Hot Dog dance with Tru in the living room. He also rocks the same moves to Lady Gaga. It’s a riot.

10. When he suddenly breaks into song and makes me follow his lead. Usually I have no idea what he’s singing so I just go watermelon, watermelon and it always works.

Some days you wonder what could possibly make being a mother worth it. I must be a raving lunatic to trade my entire life for a couple of baby giggles and snuggles. Then they surprise you and you know you really did get the better end of the bargain.

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  • Reply Nor November 10, 2009 at 2:49 pm

    oh tell me abt it! just the other night, my 6-mth old daughter thought it was funny waking up like 64678 times. I needed the sleep so bad, and the lack of it was making my eyes roll to the back of my head over and over again. She was just shrieking away, demanding my attention, so I hovered over her with eyes half closed, brought my face close to soothe her. And I got the sweetest surprise; she beamed her gummilicious smile at me and made the cutest gurgle on earth. Suddenly not having enuff sleep was no biggie!

  • Reply leslie November 11, 2009 at 2:29 pm

    i feel being a mum is worth it when…
    – after i scold them fiercely, they bear no grudges and still come and hug/kiss me (to make me guilty lor)
    – they still smile at me when i wake them up at 3am for milk (instead of cursing n swearing)
    – they eat everything i cook for them, without complaining about the taste
    – they want nobody else but me to soothe their tantrums

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