
Day 7 Postpartum.

Having a baby is intense.

There’s the labor (we’ll talk about that soon) wherein you feel like you’ve battled a bull shark. Add to that the afterpains, the hormone crash, the postnatal depression, the exhaustion, the epic struggle that is breastfeeding…and a helpless little baby whose only form of self-expression is a series of high-pitched screams. Like I said, INTENSE.

The good thing about this being #4 is that at least my brain is ready for this. I know it’s coming and I can take a deep breath and ride it out, knowing that it will pass and everything is going to be ok. All I need to do is get through one fuzzy day at a time.

The crazy thing about this being #4 is that there are 3 other kids who all need their dose of mommy time. There’s a lot of mayhem but strangely, having them around makes me feel better.

Day 7 and still standing.


Some thoughts about getting through these postpartum days.

1. It’s a good thing newborns are so delicious.

Their have a high cuteness to difficulty ratio, which explains why you don’t end up yelling at them for being so screamy. They’re like “I know I’m being all kinds of difficult but seriously, just look at this face. This smooshy face will make you feel better in no time, momma!”


2. Husbands.

The real reason I’m still standing is because of the husband. I don’t know how I’d do this without him. He handles the baby like a pro, watches the three bigger kids, then works till the middle of the night and stays up to make sure I’m feeling ok feeding the baby at 2 in the morning. He knows when I need to cry and exactly how to make me feel better. How did I luck out with this man?

3. Morale boosters, take them.

I know there are strict rules for the confinement but sometimes, it’s ok to colour outside the lines. After I get through a rough day, I reward myself with a tiny scoop of ice-cream. Ok, a large scoop of ice-cream. And it makes me feel just a little bit better.

4. Siblings = love.

Watching the kids loving their baby is the sweetest thing ever. When Kirsten first saw him, she said, “this is the cutest baby in the whole world and I’m glad he’s mine.”


5. Family support

My mom has been a lifesaver, bathing the baby and helping with the kids and making sure I’m eating proper food. And my in-laws help to take care of the two big kids every week – they look forward to party time at Ah Ma’s house. I’m grateful for the support and we take the help wherever we can get them.

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  • Reply Adeline @ Growing with the Tans July 30, 2014 at 8:49 pm

    I’m getting serious baby lust looking at photos of your latest little cutie! You deserve a TUB of ice-cream, by the way, for handling four kiddos, and still being able to blog. :)
    Adeline @ Growing with the Tans´s last post ..Homeschooling Fun: Learning the Alphabet Part 1

    • Reply Daphne August 4, 2014 at 3:10 pm

      It’s time to have the next one!! :)

  • Reply Daphne Maia July 30, 2014 at 11:48 pm

    Oh wow, Finn looks so big next to Theo! ❤
    Daphne Maia´s last post ..New Zealand 2014

    • Reply Daphne August 4, 2014 at 3:10 pm

      Yes he does!! Finn’s getting really chubby recently, it’s super cute. More thighs to munch!!

  • Reply Angelene August 6, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    U are really a wonderful mummy who has the love of your hubby taking care of your needs & feeling. I wished my hubby could be like your in handling the kids like pro.

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