
Better late than never… Happy Mother’s Day!

This is a little late but Happy Mother’s Day! I would have done this sooner but I was too busy spending my Mother’s Day shark-watching with Truett in KLCC’s Aquarium.

Long story, I decided to tag along with the husband for a work trip to KL and that was how Tru got to go on his first trip out of the country. It was tough having to decide on which kid to bring because it’s like having to choose between my left and right kidney. They’re both mine and I like one just as much as the other.

But there are privileges to being the firstborn, I suppose. This is for all the times he had to suck it up and give in to his sister just because he was the big brother.

For a celebratory dinner, the boys took me to Bubba Gump for for some clam chowder and shrimpin’ dippin’ broth.

Tru was all “Mommy, you need to buy a cake so Truett can eat” and I tried telling him he got the order wrong. He was supposed to do the buying and I, the eating, but the idea of being near cake and not eating it is incomprehensible to him.

He did however see Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates and say “OH, I got a present for you!”

When he finally realized that this present wasn’t really a present he could give me, he improvised and raided the balloon basket to grab one for me.

FYI, most awesomest balloon ever.

On a totally unrelated note, I wrote this Mother’s Day piece for Citynews last week. It was such an honor to speak to these women who kick some serious butt at motherhood and I salute them all.

This journey gets a little rough at times but being a mom is the best job in the world and I’m so thankful to have it.

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  • Reply Jus May 10, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Happy Mother’s Day! :)
    Jus´s last post ..Weekend wonderings- Lessons my mother taught me

  • Reply Cynthia May 10, 2011 at 5:24 pm

    Happy Mother’s Day!
    Oh! I went to KLCC’s Aquarium as well. But I was there a week earlier than you. Was quite fun watching all the fishes :)

  • Reply cloth diapers May 20, 2011 at 4:56 pm

    Pretty little child. Besides, Happy mother’s day!!

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