
7 things every happy mother should have

1. A mommy time-out corner. Like a regular time-out corner, except it’s a place for mommies to send themselves to when the kids get out of control. Nobody is allowed to talk to me when I’m in my time-out corner, those are the rules. It’s also good for when I just want to hide out from the kids for a little while. Or maybe a long while.

2. A favourite hair stylist. I make an appointment with my hair person every 2 months or so and I always come back feeling better. I get to spend 2 hours browsing magazines and sipping tea in absolute peace and quiet while she helps get my ridiculous grey hair situation under control. Win-win.

3. Like-minded mommy friends. Mommies need mommy friends and that’s all there is to it. And not just any kind of mommy friends but the ones who know what it’s like being in the trenches. Mommy friends who don’t bat an eyelid when your toddler face-plants into the floor mid-conversation. Mommy friends who can give helpful mom-hacker tips. Mommy friends who don’t judge.

4. A pick me up. I have several. When things get rough, I head to the kitchen to pull a shot of nespresso. When things get really rough, I reach for my secret stash of bubble tea in the fridge. When things get crazily out of hand, I grab a spoon and eat some ice-cream right out of the tub like a badass ice-cream eater.

5. Exercise routine. Even if it’s once in a few weeks/months/years, it still counts as a routine, y’all. Maybe when the kids are all in primary school, I’ll join a gym with proper classes but for now, Jillian Michaels and me, we’re best buds.

6. A hobby. I used to have lots of hobbies when I was younger – shopping, sleeping, reading, playing the guitar, watching dramas, collecting records, cross-stitching (for real!), arranging music on my playlists, writing, taking pictures, playing basketball. These days, I often tell myself that I don’t have time for hobbies but I find that when I make time for it, my mind gets settled and I feel more fulfilled as a person. It’s a good feeling to have.

7. Dance break. Everyone needs a dance break every so often. When hiding out in my mommy time-out corner doesn’t work or when the kids are getting really unstoppable or when we’re all having a bit of a slumpy day, I put on some music and we all take a dance break. And then everyone feels better.

What’s on your list?

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  • Reply anita October 21, 2013 at 8:21 pm

    a lock on the bathroom door ;)

  • Reply SengkangBabies October 22, 2013 at 2:38 pm

    What about a husband who do not mind clearing the shit, or ushering the kids out for 2 hours of serenity?

    Cheers, Andy (SengkangBabies)

  • Reply Ling October 23, 2013 at 2:47 pm

    How about a secret stash of drama series be it my Korean collection or my fav Grey’s Anatomy?

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