milestones & musings

Of new days and new beginnings


I’m loving the new domain here at motherinc.org. Don’t you think the site looks just fab? There’s lots of cool new stuff to brighten up your day like the baby blues strip and lovely new categories. Plus it’s all pink and girly and happy, which makes the whole concept of motherhood seem deceptively appealing.

The idea came about two weeks ago during a conversation with the husband.

Husband: What do you think of moving to a new domain and have your own website?

Me: That would be really cool. Except that you’re forgetting a very important fact. I’m a tech idiot and I generally can’t tell the difference between a Monet and a $5 painting you get from the flea market. My idea of a nice design includes as many colors as possible and several stick figures.


But two weeks of sleepless nights and a bunch of gaudy designs later, I got my perfect Mother’s Day gift. Some girls like make-up and heels, but I’d rather have a website any day (and some bling, of course). What can I say, I’m a low-maintenance kinda girl, you know.

Seriously, when I saw the finished product, I was so impressed that I actually squealed with joy. Ok, so I don’t squeal, not unless a cockroach runs up my thigh in the shower (which really happened just recently and I stunned myself at the super speed at which I moved my pregnant ass out of the bathroom squealing like a 5-year-old girl), but you get what I mean.

So, here’s major props to the husband for the cool new site. For his contribution to Mother, Inc, he’s been promoted from being a regular slave to a sex slave, complete with special privileges.

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