milestones & musings

Of all the things to be, it’s best to be thankful

Thanksgiving is not big here but it should be though. We all need to remember to be thankful once in a while, before we get so caught up in how life’s not fair because we don’t have a private jet in our backyard.

When you’re thankful, you look at what you have rather than what you don’t have. When you’re thankful, you can give to others because you’ve been given much. When you’re thankful, you find the silver lining.

So it’s good for me to take time just to be thankful and to teach the kids to do the same. I woke up this morning and here’s all the stuff that I’m thankful for.

For a husband who is my best friend and my pillar of strength. When I get insomnia after watching Harry Potter and the HBP at midnight (because it’s scary alright), he stays up to hug me and tell me that he’ll protect me if death eaters come knocking. Then he wakes up early to watch the kids while I sleep in because I had a rough night.

For the most awesome kids in the history of kids. They’re beautiful and happy and healthy and they make me smile even when I’m up to my elbows in human excretions.

For a family that I love and who loves me. That even though we’re not perfect and we don’t see eye to eye all the time, family means that we stick together no matter what. As far as families go, sometimes that’s all we need. Sticking together. Also, they help me watch the kids so we can take a breather every week.

For friends, new and old. There’s nothing better than having old friends to share a cuppa with. And for new friends, who in time to come, will become old friends.

But above all, I’m most thankful because I know what it means to be loved unconditionally. That no matter how bad things get, I know that it’s going to be ok because God is good. Like really, really good.

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  • Reply Dorky Mama November 29, 2009 at 12:16 am

    I have you on my blogroll, but I’ve been slacking in the blog world lately. It’s time I got back on that blogger train. YOu are such an inspiration and so right about unconditional love. Though times are really hard for me right now, I do believe that God will make a way.

  • Reply Sheri November 29, 2009 at 11:34 am

    Love your blog ever since I discovered it thru Mums-A-Musing. :)))
    On my bookmark list ever since too. Heeh.
    .-= Sheri´s last blog ..It’s been a month or 2 already? =-.

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