milestones & musings, seriously somewhat serious, Videos I dig

My mother is going to kill me for posting this video. Also we made her cry.

My momma turned 50 yesterday, which makes her as old as my country but in the grand scheme of things, that’s really young considering she’s already got 2 grandkids. Besides, if you looked at her, you probably wouldn’t think she’s a day past 35. (cha-ching, 1000 points for me)

Since the big 5-0 is pretty huge, we decided to throw her a surprise birthday bash and invited all her bosom buddies. Our only aim was to make her cry so we pulled out all the stops to put it all together. She was invited to a friend’s place thinking that it would be a small dinner and we all hid in the bedroom while she was made to watch a cheesy video which we made. After which, we all rushed out with the cake and presents yelling SURPRISE!

Good thing was, we did manage to make her cry but on the downside, she is now going to kill me for posting the video with all her old photos on my blog for the world to see.

Here are my final words so I better make it count.

Mom, you only turn 50 once, and that means people get to go on a journey of all your fashion disasters. It’s all part of the package. Plus, it makes you look so much more stunning now in comparison.

When I used to drive you up the wall, you used to say “wait till you have your own kids and you will understand”. Then I used to say, “when I have my own kids, I’ll be the coolest mom in the universe. They will eat ice-cream all day and party till midnight”. Now all I can say is I was a moron and you were absolutely right. Now I do understand.

I used to wish that I had a cooler mom like Madonna or Barbara Bush because then I’d be famous and I could brag about having a superstar/first lady as my mom. Then I realized that I already do have the best mom in the world and I’m glad I don’t have to deal with explaining why my mother is dating a guy my age. Also, skirt suits with silk blouses give me the creeps.

You’ve always taught me to love God and love people. To give my best in everything that I do. To be a person with integrity and character. To have a spine in the face of adversity. To give honor where it’s due. To be generous and kind. To be faithful till the end.

Most of these lessons I learnt just watching you live your life.

Thank you for always believing the best in us and praying for us. Everything I know about being a mom I learnt from you. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I’m really, really glad you’re my mom.

With lots of love as always.


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  • Reply kless December 22, 2009 at 9:54 am

    This is so awesome!! If I were your mum, I’d cry till my whole face’s covered with melted mascara… =)
    .-= kless´s last blog ..It All Begins With A Little Light… =-.

  • Reply lxlb December 22, 2009 at 7:45 pm

    superdad is quite smooth i must say. haha.
    .-= lxlb´s last blog ..Steamed Cod =-.

  • Reply Fang December 23, 2009 at 10:57 pm

    this is so super sweet of u and your sis!
    and yes, superdad is good! :)

  • Reply SC March 15, 2011 at 1:17 pm

    Wow, your mom looks pretty good on her big five O. Good for you, proud daughter =))

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