Kidspeak, milestones & musings, the breast things in life are free

Mom’s the word

My boy just said his first word and its MAMA!!! Woohoo! A milestone, I say.

Hang on while I do a victory dance.

The first word is a big deal. Out of the 250,000 words in the English language, Mama is the chosen one. Ok, technically, it’s not an official word, but in my dictionary, it sure counts. The husband would claim that it was actually “Mum mum”, which could just as easily be in reference to food, but he was looking in my general direction when he said it, so there.

And it doesn’t count as cheating even though I’ve been repeating Mama to him about 500 times a day. I mean, he’s the only person I’ve got to talk to, so might as well spread some propaganda while I’m at it.

As James Brown would say, “I feel good!” Almost makes up for all the sacrifice. Just almost.

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  • Reply stella April 2, 2009 at 8:56 am

    u’re hilarious.

  • Reply stella April 2, 2009 at 9:58 am

    and…don’t victory dance too early cos now Tru’s gonna call for mama everytime! haha. JK.

  • Reply Sherin April 3, 2009 at 1:19 am

    grin. AWESOME!

  • Reply The Da Vinci Code | MOTHER, INC. March 7, 2011 at 11:39 pm

    […] how it happened, but in the past week, my boy has morphed into a non-stop talking machine. Ok, the only recognizable word so far is mama (which he calls with such emotion), and the rest of it is like a bunch of gibberish. But I’m […]

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