love bites

The sexiest man alive

The husband is the sexiest man alive because he came home with bubble tea yesterday. I know I’m supposed to be confined and drinking cold stuff is an absolute no-no. And cold stuff with caffeine, that’s like the cardinal sin for a confined mother.

So when the husband stepped in the house bearing the bubble tea, it was like I was back in school again, and he was this badass with the wind in his hair, wearing his trademark aviator shades and leather jacket.

*cue music from Top Gun*

The very reason why I fell in love with him seven years ago.


Well, actually, it was mostly because he MADE me a precious moments card with glitter glue and tiny hearts this one time when I flunked an exam. I know. Precious moments is for pretty girls with braids dancing around the campfire. But somehow, a grown man who loves precious moments, it’s unbelievably hot.

Given my recent bout of the blues, the person who’s gotten it worst is the husband. He’s been at the receiving end of my rants, outbursts and tantrums and so far, he hasn’t even flinched. One moment I’d be on a war path and then I’d just break down crying the next. Honestly, I wouldn’t even have put up with myself.

The only thing keeping me sane these days is knowing that I’ll get to see him at 7pm everyday, and knowing that I’ve made it through another day. I didn’t think I was the clingy type, but what can I say, motherhood brings out the worst in us. I’ve become all needy and having him around is what keeps me going.

And bubble tea, of course.

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  • Reply lxlb July 22, 2009 at 6:44 pm

    7 years. U made me remember thts about how long i’ve left school, and how little i’ve achieved since. Well at least i made a baby!

    Hey ur Superdad is a superhubby too!

  • Reply Jen from Windy Ridge July 22, 2009 at 11:34 pm

    Awww, that is romance!

  • Reply AnNe July 24, 2009 at 2:56 pm

    You’re not alone. I’M clingy too, and the biggest highlight of my day is waiting for my hubby to come home after work. Otherwise, he’ll be getting multiple missed calls from me!! *evil laugh*

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