Kirsten goes to school

A very good first day

first day of school

First day of school and aren’t these two of the chippiest pre-dawn school wakers you’ve ever seen? They were both up at 5 in the morning – I know because I was doing my zombie shuffle into the kitchen to make milk and I heard them whispering and giggling in their room.

“Is it time for school?? Can we wake up now???” they asked when I popped in to check on them.

It was far too early but I made a mental note to enjoy this rare waking arrangement while it lasted. We usually have to physically remove their unresponsive bodies from the comfy bed and hope they don’t return to a horizontal position on the floor.

It probably helped that they were a little jet lagged from having just got back half a day ago but I suspect it had more to do with the excitement of starting a new school adventure. Kirsten had been referring to this day as her Big Day (so adorable!) and while I cannot understand how anyone can look forward to school with such unbridled enthusiasm, I’m all for it. This girl is already a better kid than I ever was.

Tru was equally thrilled to have Kirsten with him in school. “I’m so excited I can finally bring my sister to Primary School,” he told her. “I’ll meet you at recess to show you how to order food. The chicken rice is very nice, you will surely like it.”

By 5.45, they had changed, eaten breakfast and put on their shoes + bags, all ready for their first day of school.

This looks like a very promising start to the year.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Lyn Lee January 7, 2016 at 11:31 am

    It’s SO nice that their age gap is so close and they can go to school together!
    Lyn Lee´s last post ..Reflecting on 2015

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