

Puppy Love 

My mom’s dog, Mickey, goes ballistic every time a stranger walks past our door. Yesterday, he was barking his head off at the McDelivery guy and when Tru tried to calm him down, he went batshitcrazy and bit him on the hand.

Tru: OUCH!!

Husband: Are you ok? Did Mickey bite you?

Tru: No no, Mickey didn’t bite me.

Husband: Let me take a look at your hand.

Tru: He just accidentally poked my hand with his teeth.

Husband: Uh, there’s a word for that, it’s called biting.

Tru: Never mind, I’m ok. See, no blood.

Me: Good thing it’s minor or I will accidentally on purpose slaughter him.


Stickler for Details

It was a dull, rainy Sunday morning and the kids were bored to tears from being cooped up at home on their designated swimming day. After scattering every toy they have in every corner of the house, they turned to their baby brother for some entertainment. They hugged him and kissed him and tickled his toes, then when that got boring, they started prodding him with a small stick.

Husband: Hey, are you guys poking baby Finn with a stick?

Kirsten: No, we didn’t poke him. We just sayang him only.

Husband: With a stick?

Kirsten: We are very gentle, we just hold the stick like that gently. *Reenacts the poking*

Husband: Yeah, right. How about you don’t poke him at all.

Kirsten: Sighhh, ok.


Silver Screen

5 minutes later, on the same rainy morning, they came up with a new request.

Kirsten: Mom, can we watch The Incredibles on the iPad?

Me: You guys were watching Disney Junior earlier right? I think you’ve reached your TV quota for the day.

Tru: But we never ask to watch TV. We just want to watch on the iPad.

Me: It’s the same thing, just smaller.

Kirsten: How about on the iPhone?

Me: Nice try. Still no. Go do something that doesn’t involve a screen and moving pictures.

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  • Reply Elaine October 8, 2012 at 10:44 am

    Tru is so sweet to be protecting Mickey after being bitten.
    Elaine´s last post ..Strictly Pancakes

    • Reply Daphne October 12, 2012 at 10:26 am

      Yeah, he really loves this dog…I guess cos they’ve been friends since he was born.

  • Reply Jess Lee October 8, 2012 at 8:24 pm

    Hi, what’s the right amount of tv watching for kids? My 3mths old will turn his head towards the tv when we place him on our bed but I’ll block him n forbids him from watching totally.

    • Reply Daphne October 12, 2012 at 10:29 am

      Um, heh I think you probably don’t want my opinion on this. There was a study recently that says kids below 3 shouldn’t watch any tv at all so make of that what you will.

      My kids do 1-1.5 hours of tv a day, and only on Disney Junior or Disney/Pixar movies on the iPad.

      That said, I guess 3 months is a little young, they only started really watching tv at about 2 yrs old.

      • Reply Jess October 12, 2012 at 10:57 am

        Hi, Thks!

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