Kidspeak, to Truett with love

Big boy talk

I can’t believe Tru will be turning 4 in a few months. 4! That’s like official big boy territory, together with critter fascination, muddy clothes and smelly shoes. Just the other day, he came home and declared “I like lizards.” I wasn’t sure if it was for real but I had to make it clear that he’s never to bring one near me. Ever.

He’s also developed a a quick wit and a quirky sense of humor, which makes for very interesting conversation.

Me: Son, why are you not wearing pants?

Tru: Because I like my backside to be cold.

Me: Unfortunately, we’re not a nudist family so you’ve got to put on some pants even if it makes your backside warm. Besides, if you don’t wear pants, Mickey (the dog) might *accidentally* bite your penis.

Tru: My penis is not food, you know.

Me: Oh, if you keep waving it around like that, it just might be.


Me: Tru, are you a big boy or a small boy?

Tru: I’m a big boy.

Me: Big boys need to sleep in their own rooms, you know? You can’t sleep in mommy’s room anymore.

Tru: Next time when I grow down, then I can sleep in your room?

Me: There’s no such thing as grow down, sweetheart.

Tru: Yes, when I grow down, I will become smaller like a baby.

Me: That’s not going to happen, Tru. You’re not Benjamin Button.

Tru: Sometimes I want to grow up and sometimes I want to grow down.

Me: Actually, you know what? Me too, son.

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  • Reply Jasmine November 18, 2011 at 7:13 pm

    A beautifully poignant piece :)

    I wanna grow down too!

  • Reply Jus November 18, 2011 at 11:28 pm

    Hahahaha… :) Your Tru is really one of a kind! :)

  • Reply beanbean November 19, 2011 at 9:18 am

    Conversations like these are so precious!

  • Reply sugarmouse November 19, 2011 at 9:35 am

    yes, there really is nothing like the wit (and logic) of a child! such a clever boy, tru is. think four is gonna be rad ;) congrats on the nomination. i’m rootin’ for ya!!

  • Reply SengkangBabies November 20, 2011 at 12:34 am

    the only thing which is constant..
    – When I am young, want to grow up quickly (no homework no exams)
    – when I am older, want to be young again (Tru say Grow down? haha). It is nice to be taken care of, to live life with lesser responsibilities.

    I can live with that :p

    ps.. love the shield, like Star-Wars!
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  • Reply Pris November 20, 2011 at 5:38 pm

    Your posts are sooooo hilarious!!!! Love these precious conversations! Can’t wait for my baby to start talking too!

  • Reply Bun Bun Makeup Tips November 21, 2011 at 1:43 am

    To Tru, the opposite of up is obviously down. Last time, to me the opposite of 大人 was 小人, not 小孩子. HAHAHA. >.<
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  • Reply Leslie November 21, 2011 at 11:33 am

    Too precious!! Can’t wait to read some of Kirsten’s soon!!
    The closest my 3yo boy to start talking like this:
    En: mommy, the moon is still in the sky this morning!
    Me: yes, he’s about to go to bed soon…
    En: i think he wants to get some sun first!
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  • Reply Leslie November 21, 2011 at 11:35 am

    And i totally dig his sideburns!!!

  • Reply lilsnooze November 22, 2011 at 11:34 am

    Haha, they say the funniest (and strangest!) things!
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