kids in motion, kids inc

The Art of Girliness

It will always remain a mystery to me how I managed to make a girly girl. And not just any ordinary girly girl. The nail-painting, lipstick-applying, smiles-while-pointing-finger-to-cheek kind that walks around with more pink than should be allowed on any human being. Basically the kind that I used to mock mercilessly as a kid.

It’s like poetic justice coming to bite me in the uterus.

“BAM, here you go, you get the girliest of them all.”

When I was pregnant with Kirsten, I would dream of our all-girl dates which would involve throwing panties (not ours, obviously) at Jason Mraz from the mosh pit,  snowboarding down Mammoth Mountain, watching Manchester United tear Arsenal apart at Old Trafford (the husband gets excused from having to sit through the massacre), and eating profiteroles in Manhattan while rolling our eyes at girly girls that sashay past.

Guess I’m going to have to strike that last bit off my list.

Just over the Christmas period, Kirsten came home from school with a pink purse containing the following pink items: lipstick, compact powder, blackberry, car keys and credit card. It was her gift-exchange present and she’s been walking around touching up her makeup every 5 minutes “SEE MOMMY I’M SO PRETTY.” All I’m going to say is that pouch is headed for an unfortunate end very soon.

In other girly news, she’s developed a photo-taking craze. I used to be the one cajoling them for pictures, like “come on kids, just ONE picture, look at mommy HERE HERE! How about a smile? Ok fine, I’ll give you one gummy for every photo.”

But these days, she’s running everywhere asking me to take her photo. She’ll preen and pose and then proceed to check my camera before making me do retakes until she’s satisfied.

Like when we were at Sentosa last week, she ran up to each animal statue and insisted that she had to take a photo with every single one of them. After 2 animals, I was all “Ok, that’s cute, I got what I need,” but she was relentless. “How about the happy lionfish? And the octopus? There! There! Let’s go!”

For once, this girly thing is working out for me. And considering how much I’m going to save in gummies, maybe having a girly girl isn’t so bad after all.

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  • Reply June January 4, 2012 at 9:49 pm

    I’ve got one of those at home too. My eyes roll whenever I hear the words ‘I’m so pretty.’ I’m sure they’ll grow out of it soon enough though. :P Love the octopus pic!
    June´s last post ..Education is not a race

    • Reply Daphne January 5, 2012 at 6:19 pm

      I’m not sure if she’ll ever grow out of it – my sis is 21 and possibly more girly than she was as a kid. Chances are, I’ll have to grow into it..

  • Reply Lisa Fastuca January 4, 2012 at 11:33 pm

    Give her time. My very girly girl is now 12 and while she still likes her hot pink stuff she is so much less offensive to me ;-)

    • Reply Daphne January 5, 2012 at 6:26 pm

      LOL! I actually don’t hate pink, but too much makes my eyes hurt

  • Reply San January 5, 2012 at 12:11 am

    Oooh… girly girl! Well, at least you get awesome pretty shots… instead of some blurry motions! Haha!
    San´s last post ..The gorgeous new mall in town: 112 Katong

    • Reply Daphne January 5, 2012 at 6:28 pm

      That’s true! We’re like a match made in heaven now – I like to take pictures and she likes to have her picture taken.

  • Reply Madeline January 5, 2012 at 8:24 am

    She looks so much like u! Well mine’s the opposite. I dress her up in tons of pink and put clips on her hair but she’ll pluck them right off. Guess u can never have what u want..
    Madeline´s last post ..Mother-Daughter Sandals by Ipanema (Plus Giveaway)

    • Reply Daphne January 5, 2012 at 6:29 pm

      Maybe in a couple of months. Kirsten didn’t use to be so girly as a baby. But now that she’s a toddler, she’s showing her true colors. Actually just one color – PINK.

  • Reply fahmaida najneen January 5, 2012 at 8:46 am

    Loved the way you my thoughts in your words… I am living in a pink, lavender, and all shades of pink world..

    • Reply Daphne January 5, 2012 at 6:30 pm

      Hahahah at least there’s lavender! So far mine is just all shades of pink.

  • Reply Ruth January 5, 2012 at 5:41 pm

    You’re making me envious! I’ve always dreamed of having a girly girl! Kristen looks great in the photos! My boy’s just learnt how to pose, wonder if the next step would be the photo-taking craze? Or it’s a girl thing as well? ;)
    Ruth´s last post ..Hey Mom, I’m a Big Boy Now!

    • Reply Daphne January 5, 2012 at 6:34 pm

      Ruth, time for a second one? Just nice Kenan is in school so the age gap will be about nice.. :)

      So cute, he already knows how to pose? Till this day, Tru doesn’t like taking photos. He’ll oblige if there are gummies involved but his window of opportunity is very short so I got to shoot fast.

  • Reply Susan January 6, 2012 at 10:30 am

    I used to like blue as a child and grew to LOVE pink when I got older. So never say never! :) I’d say just enjoy them just as they are. Sophie may be all girly but has her non girl moments like insisting on sleeping with a toy car. Go figure.
    Susan´s last post ..Wordless Wednesday-Welcoming Spring

    • Reply Daphne January 7, 2012 at 1:19 pm

      Very true! :)

  • Reply Andrea January 6, 2012 at 1:08 pm

    OMG, mine’s a girly girl too!! I thought I picked up the wrong baby girl at the hospital (btw my entire extended family still thinks so…). Gabby is into bags, touches up her face with pretend make up and I frequently hear, I am pretty right mom. hahahahahahaha! Only consolation, I m not alone

    • Reply Daphne January 7, 2012 at 1:20 pm

      Hahahah ya that time when we were at your place, the 2 girls can just sit down quietly and do girly things like coloring. Which is good, I guess. Just got to confiscate all their make up stuff.

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