kids inc, Kidspeak

No way, José

have my cake and eat it

Back when I was a kid, I don’t remember being very good at dealing with “NO’s”. If I wanted something that my parents said no to, I’d do what most kids did – whine, sulk, plead, cry, scream, the usual. But none of them were very effective because my folks were the stick-to-their-guns sort.

I’ve realized that Truett, at age 4.5, is quite the master at getting what he wants, and all without shedding a tear or shrieking. He’s got moves I never even thought of back in my time.

Plan A: Agree to disagree 

Usage: Works best when I’m distracted or busy.


Tru: Mom, can I have potato chips?

Me: No, you just had some an hour ago. Ask me again tomorrow.

Tru: Ok, I’ll go take.

Me: *obviously distracted* Mmmm

I’ll see him with chips in his hand several moments later and I’ll be all “hey, I thought I said no chips” and he’ll tell me calmly “but I said I’ll take and you said mmmm”.

Plan B: Logical Reasoning

Usage: Works best when I’m too tired to engage in a lengthy discourse.


Tru: Mom, can I have some 100 Plus?

Me: Nope.

Tru: But why? I like 100 Plus so much.

Me: You’re still coughing. I’ll give it to you when you’re better.

Tru: I’m not coughing anymore. Can you hear me cough? No right? See, I’m well.

Me: Okay, but I think you need to give it a day or two to make sure you’re really totally well.

Tru: How about I drink the one that’s not cold?

Me: How about after dinner? You can have it as a treat if you finish your dinner.

Tru: But I saw you drinking 100 Plus just now. You ate your dinner already?

Me: Well, no…I was really thirsty and I can have treats any time I want because…I’m an adult. *caught in the douchey I’m-an-adult excuse*

Tru: Children will get thirsty too, you know? I promise I will eat my dinner and I won’t ask anymore.

At this point, I can say no and feel like a meanie or go “ok fine, just a little bit.” Usually the second one.

Seriously, when did kids get so savvy?

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  • Reply Elaine January 10, 2013 at 6:13 pm

    That is seriously smart of him to manage those negotiations. I guess he deserves a treat for that alone.
    Elaine´s last post ..Classes for toddlers in Singapore

    • Reply Daphne January 15, 2013 at 1:46 pm

      LOL sometimes I think they deserve a treat so it can buy me 5 minutes of uninterrupted silence.

  • Reply Abby January 11, 2013 at 9:04 am

    The first one brought me laughter, the second one, I think he is a smart and reasonable boy, “but children get thirsty too”, good one! Hard to defense
    Abby´s last post ..More about school

    • Reply Daphne January 15, 2013 at 2:02 pm

      I know, right?!! I’m getting outsmarted by my kids…

  • Reply Serenely January 14, 2013 at 3:35 pm

    Man! It’s enough already that parenting is seriously physically taxing… I can’t imagine throwing in mentally taxing as well! Have to keep on your toes all the time.
    Serenely´s last post ..Stories of Long Ago: Mixed Blood

    • Reply Daphne January 15, 2013 at 2:04 pm

      Haha exactly! This is the kind of thing they don’t tell you before you have babies

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