One of the biggest ironies in life is that babies spend all that time trying to grow up but once they do, they want to go right back to becoming a baby again. Tru’s in one of his baby-me phases where he’s trying to relive his days of infancy. Seeing how Kirsten is having such a blast with all his old toys, he’s decided to chuck all his big-boy toys and go back to becoming a baby. Except that he’s way too big to fit and ends up looking like a giant who’s destroying them.

My legs are so long I've got to curl them up

Baby toys are so fun

Why is it called a mobile when its stationary?
But I figured it was probably just a cry for attention so today I babied him and put him on my lap and fussed over him and smothered him with kisses. 15 minutes later, his desire for mischief kicked in and he decided being a baby was way overrated. So he got up, yanked off the apron strings, climbed into his big-boy car and waved me goodbye.
Which is just the way I like it.

Bye mom, gotta run
Hey Tru’s is looking increasingly smashingly handsome :)
The “Mommy, baby
me too” phase is a sweet moment where little ones start mimicking their moms and wanting to be involved in everything they do. It’s a natural part of development, as babies learn through observation and imitation, helping them build confidence and strengthen their bond with you. This phase brings a special joy in watching your baby grow more independent while still staying closely connected.