kids inc, picture perfect

It was a rather Hort Day

Tru is on a two-week break from school and that means only one thing for me. SMACKDOWN. Momma, the reigning champ, taking on a tag-team of 2 new contenders at the same time.

I’m still not crazy enough to bring both kids out alone so we’re all under house arrest. Which translates into two very hyperactive kids confined in a very small area for extended periods. Two kids, I might add, who are addicted to going out. It doesn’t matter where, as long as it’s outside.

So my day goes something like this.

1. Skull-crushing boredom (for all of us)

2. Oh, let’s fight over toys, fighting is fun and exciting

3. How about some screaming to spice things up a little

4. I’m not going to take my nap because I’m not tired

5. Yay, time to play the lying down game where momma lies down on the floor playing dead while the kids tear the house apart.

It’s a good thing the husband managed to take two weeks off to join in the fun so that I don’t lose my mind completely after 3 days. We planned out an itinerary of fun activities for whole week, starting with Hortpark this morning. This is all part of our elaborate plan to tire them out until they collapse to the ground and beg for mercy.

First sign of exhaustion: water break, plus a dazed look in the eye.

In phase two, we make them carry weights. You can’t see it but the bag is filled with large rocks.

Ah, progress.

This, well, nude photos are always a hit.

Objective achieved. Both babies went back and slept like erm, babies.

Tomorrow, we’ll be going to East Coast or the museum, depending on whether it rains.

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  • Reply sunflower June 9, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    Hey, Tru and Kristen look so alike in the last picture.

    On side note, if your hubby didn’t on leave, I might be thick skin to ask you can I join the family. (Yvette is on holiday too.) But I think I rather not now as me and Yvette will be a lamp post in this situation.
    .-= sunflower´s last blog ..More Experiences with Woodlands Waterfront =-.

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2010 at 8:12 am

      @sunflower, Hey drop me a note via my contact form can? (don’t leave your email here as the spambots will eat it up). I’m sure we can arrange something.

  • Reply Lazymummy June 9, 2010 at 11:28 pm

    I love the photo of Tru and your hubby’s back view. Back view photos are my little obsession.

    Totally agree on your objective to tire them out, I do that to Chloe on weekends too. heehee
    .-= Lazymummy´s last blog ..Here we go again… =-.

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2010 at 8:13 am

      @Lazymummy, Ah, the sky looks overcast this morning. I need to check what time the museum opens!

      Generally when the kids have had an activity-packed morning they take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoons which equates to peace and goodwill to all mankind.

  • Reply andy June 10, 2010 at 12:26 am

    Nice pics, esp the last one. So lovey dovey.
    – no playground?

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2010 at 8:14 am

      @andy, Alas when we were about to step into it it started drizzling. Cranky weather! But the place is nice, actually.

  • Reply beanbean June 10, 2010 at 1:30 am

    Project Wear-Them-Out is always a good survival plan! Hort Park is on my list too. On a separate note, I’ve always wondered how the phrase “sleep like a baby” was derived. Babies sleep horribly! (Speaking as Mummy with a baby permenantly encamped in her bed.)
    beanbean´s last post ..To the Library we go…

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2010 at 8:23 am

      @beanbean, I think its the look they have on their faces that suggest they’re in a deep, very blissful sleep which can be misleading at times. Although when Truett sleeps he’s out like a light bulb, he has great tolerance for noise levels and I genuinely think he can sleep through an earthquake.

      Kirsten, unfortunately – not so much. Which is why i chucked both kids to sleep together in a separate room so I don’t have to tiptoe around like Pink Panther in my own room.

  • Reply Jus June 10, 2010 at 4:57 am

    So nice that the hubby could take 2 weeks off! And I especially liked the last pic of bro and sis together!
    Jus´s last post ..Monday made: Displaying little treasures

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2010 at 8:24 am

      @Jus, Hahha yes and at this point I would like to thank MCYS for giving six days childcare leave. It really does make a difference!

  • Reply shuey June 10, 2010 at 10:53 am

    Wow, your hubby used up all 6-day child care? It’s so nice to have outing together for the whole family. I especially the tire them out idea. :D

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2010 at 4:27 pm

      @shuey, frankly, I’m not sure what combination of leave he uses? But I think he has 21 days plus these 6 days so not too bad.

      By the way right now, i’ve just gotten back from a long expedition and both kids are knocked out. THRILLED!

  • Reply Hendra June 10, 2010 at 12:34 pm

    haha … just hang in there. Only another 7 or 8 years more. You will be free. :P
    My wife and daughter are leaving for Jakarta today and I will have the house for myself. No more fighting between Playhouse Disney Channel or Football Channel. :)

    • Reply Daphne June 10, 2010 at 4:28 pm

      @Hendra, 7-8..years?? I was hoping 7-8 months!!

      Oh one thing about me is that I’m a huge MAN U fan so both of us don’t fight among each other – except when Arsenal plays Man U so we start trash-talking each other. It gets ugly at times, I don’t deny that!

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