kids in motion

Mondays are like Fridays, said no one ever.


I woke up this morning with a colossal long weekend hangover and after checking to make sure that it was in fact, really Monday, I stuck my head under the pillow for a full minute and took that time mourn the end of my little break. Seriously, that’s it? That did not feel like 4 days at all. I feel like I need another long weekend to recover from my long weekend.

Well, there’s a trip to Bangkok without the kids this weekend but more to come on that eventually.

In any case, this nose? Firmly back to the grindstone.

We did have some really great moments with the kids the past couple of days, which I guess was the whole point of this break. In that time, Finn discovered the joy of copying everything Truett and Kirsten did. Right up to this point, he’s mostly been in his own baby world and doing his own baby things but now, he wants to be around them all the time. He doesn’t know what they’re doing half the time but he’s happy to just be near them watching while they’re simulate one of their elaborate pretend scenarios.

While the other 2 kids were off on their striders again, we took him for a spin on a baby trike and he was beyond thrilled. He looked so thoroughly pleased to be part of the gang – my baby boy must have grown 5 inches right there (pretend) cycling next to them.

There were also some of those “MOMMMM BABY FINN IS DESTROYING MY STUFF” moments thrown into the mix but I’m telling you, watching the three of them together like this pretty much makes my ovaries spontaneously combust.

On the downside, all this excitement have resulted in 2 out of 3 babies coming down with a flu. Thankfully it’s nothing serious, just a mild fever and moderate level whining so here’s hoping it goes away quickly and quietly.

Also, I need another coffee.

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