how i pretend to be a cool mum, kids in motion

I’m definitely going to need an ice-cream today

Last weekend flew by quick. I thought I was supposed to have 2 days for the weekend but it only felt like 1, and a short one at that. I did a Truett this morning when I woke up like “NOOOOO, IT’S NOT MONDAY!! It’s Sunday right, please let it be Sunday.”

I opened my eyes slowly, waiting to hear the kids jump on the bed and prod at my eyelids but there was just the gentle breathing of sleeping kids and it was the husband telling me to wake up. He never tells me to wake up on a Sunday so I knew it was well and truly Monday.

It’s a terrible way to start a Monday because I like to be prepared on Sunday nights. I mourn the passing of my weekend a little bit, then potter around the house preparing for the week ahead. But mostly, I brace myself for the Monday blues so that when I wake up the next morning and the feeling of dread hits me in the gut, I’ll be all “Hah! I’m ready.”

Sort of like when you knew the husband is waiting behind a pillar to jump out at you because you saw him hiding from a mile off. That’s much better than not expecting it and having him scare the living daylights out of you.

It’s all in the preparation. Or as Ross would say, the Unagi.

Anyway, this calls for happy pictures. And ice-cream. I’m going to get myself a large scoop of salted caramel ice-cream for breakfast.

Kirsten finally allowed me to tie her hair on Saturday. It’s ridiculously cute because it makes her cheeks look chubbier than they already are. Like a hamburger.

And happiness is discovering a new water playground on a hot afternoon.

PS. In other news, the results for the Strider giveaway are out!

PPS. In other other news, I was on 93.8 Live’s Raw and Ready with Sarah Cheng De-Winne to talk about Mother, Inc and other parenting stuff. If you missed it, the podcast is right below or you can download the mp3 (right click, save link as)  here.


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  • Reply Madeline September 5, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Great interview with 938!

    Btw, where’s the new water playground?
    Madeline´s last post ..A Weekend of Smurfs & the Singapore Flyer

    • Reply Daphne September 5, 2011 at 2:48 pm

      It’s at NEX mall @ Serangoon Central. :)

  • Reply Joce September 5, 2011 at 2:35 pm

    I used to think Monday blues happened only if I needed to travel to work. But the blues still hit me real bad, even as a SAHM. I console myself by thinking at least I don’t need to huddle together with hordes of other grouchy people on the train ride to work. I get to cuddle my kiddos who await me with smiles! Ok maybe the smiling bit is not always guaranteed but it still beats riding on a crowded train!

    By the way Kirsten’s cheeks are irresistibly pinch-worthy :)
    Joce´s last post ..What A Ride!

    • Reply Daphne September 5, 2011 at 2:59 pm

      Agree! Monday blues are definitely less blue without having to squeeze on a crowded train. :)

      Haha Kirsten’s teachers call her the hamburger. Or the pau.

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