kids in motion

Doing the happy baby

Okayyy, I’m going to go ahead and take back everything I ever said about yoga. Except that one time when my yoga instructor told me to let my skeleton escape from my skin and imagine my thigh bones are rainbows. That part still stands as the craziest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say to me.

Long story short, I got really bored with my 30-day shred routine, and not bored in the “I’ve nailed this, moving on and look at my giant muscles” sense, but more of the “just thinking of it makes all the stress immediately return to my thighs” sense. I figured that at this rate, I’m going to give up completely so I thought I’d move on and try something a little more relaxing, like yoga – letting my stress melt into into the floor and all that.

#1. Jillian Michael’s idea of yoga is not relaxing at all. You want the happy baby pose? Do it on your own time. Corpse pose? Don’t even think about it. Which brings me to point 2.

#2. Yoga is HARD. Not as hard as the 6-week 6-pack routine but much harder than I thought. But it’s the good kind of hard. My back is extra happy with all the core-strengthening poses it’s been getting.

#3. In fact, it’s so hard that I ended up mercilessly butchering most of the poses I attempted, which is a good thing I’m doing it at home where very few people will get to see it. Although the husband did at one point laugh his head off. Good thing he didn’t see the part where I got stuck in a pose and couldn’t get out of it and I panicked for a whole minute before slowly letting myself fall over to the side.

#4. There’s none of that “letting your buttocks blossom” yogaspeak so if you’re into that sort of thing, this probably isn’t for you. In fact, I’d say it’s a yoga-inspired regular ass whipping by Jillian Michaels so make of that what you will.

#5. My kids doing synchronized yoga is about the cutest thing in the whole world. That session there was so cute it just killed me dead right on the spot.


//The end.

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