how i pretend to be a cool mum, kids in motion

All in a day’s work – revised edition

Ever since Tru started school, my life has been so much easier. On the downside, I spend 3 hours apart from him every day, but that’s time I get to spend with Kirsten alone, which I’m really enjoying. It’s our special girly time.

i love having momma all to myself

Now that Tru has gotten past the initial separation anxiety, he’s gone on to charm the socks off his playgroup friends and teachers. A little bird tells me that he’s got two very cute 8-year-old girls fussing over him and it’s becoming apparent that the teachers absolutely adore him.

This new schedule is working out brilliantly for all of us. And by all of us I mean me. It’s a walk in the park compared to my life 5 months ago.

7.15 – Express milk and sip my morning coffee. The husband feeds and changes the kids and then gets himself ready for work.

8.15 – Drop the husband off at work, then drop Tru off to school.

9.00 – Have a leisurely breakfast at someplace nice and feed Kirsten baby food. Some days I even get to read the papers or fiddle with my iPhone for a while.

10.30 – Baby girl takes her nap as we take a walk at the beach/mall/library.

12.00 – Pick up Tru from school and head home for lunch. The madness begins when we get home and I scramble to cook, feed Tru, bathe both kids, feed Kirsten and get them ready for their nap.

2.00 – Both kids take a nap while I express milk and take a breather.

4.30 – Snack time (for Kirsten, it’s milk time), followed by play time. They’re starting to play with each other and it’s really fun watching them interact. Kirsten laughs at everything her brother does and he will do all sorts of crazy stuff to make her laugh. It’s too cute.

6.00 – Pick the husband up from work and head out for dinner.

8.00 – Kirsten takes her last feed and both kids go to bed.

Effectively, that’s when I get to kick back, take a nice shower and spend some time with the husband. I almost cannot remember how bad it was just a few months back. I think my mind has blocked it out completely. But it’s true that life gets better as the kids get bigger. I can’t wait till next year when baby girl goes to playgroup as well and I’ll have 3 hours all to myself. Oh, that will be so awesome.

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  • Reply Chrystal February 3, 2010 at 7:50 pm

    I hear from Charlene u’re staying at Tampines too?

    Maybe we could have a play date with our girls! :)
    .-= Chrystal´s last blog ..When Opposites Attract =-.

  • Reply Daphne February 3, 2010 at 9:49 pm

    Yes I’m a Tampines girl. And that’s a brilliant idea let’s do it! Sounds like it’ll be a blast. Let’s arrange for one soon and if there are any other easterners just let me know we’ll keep you in the loop.

    • Reply Charlene February 4, 2010 at 4:26 am

      @Daphne, this is a totally weird thing to be writing about, but just in case you’re confused who Chrystal is referring to, this is the Charlene you just saw on Sunday at the BBQ at Auntie Jasmine’s place! Haha, Chrystal was my JC classmate! ;-)

      • Reply Daphne February 4, 2010 at 9:59 pm

        @Charlene, we kind of figured that out last night thanks to the husband’s kickass investigative journalism skill and incredible powers of deduction. And also facebook.

  • Reply Chrystal February 3, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    Wheeeeee sounds good to me! I’m not working either so anytime will be great!
    .-= Chrystal´s last blog ..When Opposites Attract =-.

  • Reply Dianah April 30, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    Hey babe, it’s been quite a while yeah. I chanced upon your blog entries today and they’re hilarious! Your kids are too cute, man. Write some more. I have a lot to learn. Am expecting a baby in 5.5mths’ time hehe. Take care.

    • Reply Daphne April 30, 2010 at 5:55 pm

      @Dianah, Goodness, hi Dianah! Yes it’s been a while…and congratulations! Is it a boy or a girl??

  • Reply Dianah April 30, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    Thanks babe. No idea yet if it’s a boy or girl although I’ve been enthusiastically asking my gynae since the baby was a minuscule 1-cmer hahah. Hopefully at the next check-up the baby will show and the gynae will tell.

    When are you planning to try for your next one? :P

    • Reply Daphne April 30, 2010 at 6:22 pm

      @Dianah, haha you’ve got a shy one there. SO EXCITING!! I’m going to take a break for at least 3 years man, unless I suddenly grow 2 more arms.

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