
Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

And now for a story this fine thursday. Oh wait, before that, here’s a fun fact: my girl, Kirsten, is an incredible storyteller. That’s the one trait I will actually take credit for – I don’t got much skills but I can tell a mean bedtime story. It seems Kirsten has inherited this particular talent, so she’s been taking over storytelling duties of late.

Finn Finn doesn’t even want my stories anymore, he’s always like “jie jie, can you tell me a story…” every single night.

On this one night, Kirsten was in the middle a masterful delivery of the Three Little Pigs, using Finn’s precious piggy pig pig as a prop.

“The big bad wolf saw a little piggy and he said *licking her lips*, “I’m having bacon for dinner tonight…””

“And the piggy was super scared. “Please don’t let me be bacon, please don’t let me be bacon…””

By the time she got to the huffing and puffing, Finn was grabbing his piggy real tight, looking more than a little horrified. It was no surprise that later that night, he woke up with a bad nightmare, yelling, “I don’t like the big bad wolf, make it go away.”


On one of our IKEA runs for hand towels last week, Finn found himself a cuddly kitten (this guy!), whom he named Mr Snuffles. Shortly after, we came upon a slightly less cuddly stuffed toy in the form of a big bad wolf (this guy!), whom he named Go Away Big Bad Wolf.

So what’s a mother to do, except to tell him the story of the big bad wolf right there in the IKEA checkout aisle.

“The big bad wolf was so hungry because he hadn’t eaten for days and there were no little piggies to be found. I suppose this fluffy cat would have to do.”

“You can’t eat Mr Snuffles!!”

“Then what can I eat? I’m super hungry and I’ve got to eat something. All I see here is cat meat and little boy meat. Which one shall I eat?”

“How about some strawberries?”

“I’m a big bad wolf, I don’t eat no strawberries. What’s it gonna be? The little cat or the little boy?

“You can eat the little boy,” Finn said, hugging a very fortunate mr snuffles.

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset


//I told Kirsten about what happened when we got home and she was all, “good thing Theo didn’t go along because the big bad wolf sure want to eat him instead, he’s the most delicious of all.”

Hahahahahahahaha. I’m with the big bad wolf on that.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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