
Not fair and it’s ok

“What?? That’s not fair…”

I had just picked Kirsten up from school and she was protesting that Tru had gone swimming with baby Theo that afternoon without her.

“Why does kor kor get to go swimming while I have to go to school??”

I started to explain that being in Primary school came with more responsibilities, and a half day program was part of the perks. And that next year, she would be able to enjoy the same privileges. But then as our conversation went on, I realised that I couldn’t explain away the fact that she’s right, life isn’t very fair at all.

I also realised that I was sounding an awful lot like my dad, when he would say sagely things like “there’s no such thing as fairness in life, it’s not supposed to be fair” when I used to protest why my brother got to do things I couldn’t.

When my dad said it, I remember thinking that he was nuts. Of course life is supposed to be fair. That’s like a basic human right, a right to fairness. If my brother gets to watch TV for an hour, I’m entitled to the same privilege, right down to the very last nanosecond. Fair and square.

So I couldn’t really blame Kirsten for wanting life to be fair. It’s a hard lesson for a kid to learn, that life is arbitrarily unfair, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Midway through our conversation, I stopped and told her, “You’re right, baby girl. A lot of things in life aren’t fair. I know you want it to be fair – I used to feel the same way when I was your age. Daddy and mommy will try to make it as fair as we can, but there will be many times when it just won’t seem fair and that’s ok too.”

“How can it be ok if it’s not fair??” (Kirsten asks the toughest questions.)

“Well, once you realise that life isn’t supposed to be fair, you’ll learn to be happy with the things you’ve got and not get all hung up over the things others have. We only feel like life is unfair when we’re not happy with the things we have.

I mean, it’s not fair that you’ve gone to Disney World twice when kor kor has only gone once. Most people spend their whole lives not even getting the chance to go once.

It’s not fair that you have three amazing brothers and the best daddy and a super awesome mommy (I had to sneak that in!) and lots of toys and most of the things you could possibly want when there are children who don’t even have enough food for dinner or a mommy to snuggle up with at night.

Hey you know what will make you really happy? Being thankful for all the things you have.”

I was feeling rather pleased about my deeply inspirational monologue and at the end of it, she said, “I don’t really get what you’re saying. Anyway, can we go swimming later?”

“Ok yeah, why not?”

“YAYYYYY, thank you thank you thank you!!!”

At this point, Tru turned to Kirsten and whispered, “actually it wasn’t even that fun swimming without you. Playing with baby Theo is quite boring, next time I think I’ll just wait for you.”



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  • Reply Fang August 18, 2015 at 9:21 pm

    Gosh, Theo in that second last pic is a mini-Kel!
    You make having 4 kids look like a breeze…amazing!

    • Reply Daphne August 24, 2015 at 3:05 pm

      Haha I just realised it but YES HE DOES!! That is 100% Kel’s face when he’s thinking about something.

  • Reply Lyn lee August 19, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    How we wish we had a fair world! But I guess we are also in a world with grace, and it would be so much worse without that hope.
    Lyn lee´s last post ..To Market, To Market: Blk 85 Fengshan Market

  • Reply Wendy August 24, 2015 at 2:44 am

    Just pop by to say hi!
    I’m pretty sure it was you and kirsten i saw at parkway parade last week? I think it was a Friday. She was sitting inside a trolley… Lol.
    I was waiting for the lift on the basement floor, and stepped aside with my daughter so you can move your trolley out from the lift.
    Great to see you!

    • Reply Daphne August 24, 2015 at 3:09 pm

      Zomg yes! We brought all 4 kids out to do grocery shopping and then a late lunch at the food court. So much madness!! :)

  • Reply Winson November 14, 2015 at 2:59 am

    Reminds me of what Louis CK said to his daughter in the TV show ‘Louie’:

    “Daughter: Why does she get one, and not me?

    Louis: You’re never gonna get the same things as other people. It’s never going to be equal. It’s not gonna happen ever in your life so, you must learn that now, okay?

    Louis: Listen. The only time you should look in your neighbor’s bowl is to make sure they have enough. You don’t look in your neighbor’s bowl to see if you have… as much as them.”

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