
Get out of jail free pass

From time to time, the kids will be up to no good and they’ll end up in various forms of trouble which is fairly normal, but what’s fascinating is that they each have a very different coping mechanism when they get disciplined. To their credit, they’ve learnt very quickly that the least effective method of getting out of trouble around here is to be all sulky or have a meltdown.

Instead, they’ve each discovered their own get out of jail free pass and practiced it to perfection.

The Negotiator

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We make it a point to maintain an open communication with the kids so we tell them that they can always talk to us and we’ll try our best to hear them out even during the times where my blood pressure is rapidly escalating. The good thing is that they will talk to us when they’re upset but this also means that they are very good at negotiating their way out of problems.

Tru: Um, mom, remember you said that we can talk to you even when you are angry? Ummm…how about can you like make us face the wall instead?

Me: No. Wall facing is way too easy for you guys now.

Tru: Or how about no iPad for a week?

Me: Also too easy.

Tru: Okay, 1 month no iPad? And I’ll do extra chores as well.

Me: Eh, this is not a fish market where you get to haggle but fine, I’ll consider it.


The Leniency Pleader

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Kirsten has nailed a very effective method wherein she quickly owns the mistake with a lot of remorse and straight up asks for another chance. It’s hard to say no to a kid who tells you they’re sorry and wants another chance, especially one who tries her best to be a good kid all the time.

Kirsten: I’m sorry mom, I know it’s wrong, can you please give me another chance?

Me: This is how deterrence works, to help you to learn not to do it again.

Kirsten: I will learn, I promise. I will try my best not to do it again. Just give me one more chance.

Me: Sighhhhhhh


The Fate Acceptor

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This is a killer move patented by Finn and his doleful heartbreaker eyes. When he’s in trouble, this kid just puts on his brave face and accepts his punishment without complaining. And it’s not like a reverse psychology ploy either because I’ve called his bluff several times and he just takes it, which makes it even more effective.

Finn: You can make me face the wall if you like mom.

Me: Baby, it’s not that I like to give you a timeout, but I need you to listen can?

Finn: Ok, I will listen and be a good boy. Do I still need to face the wall?

*stands at the wall looking all sad*

Me: Fine, just go play.


The Charmer

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Theo is impossible to discipline because this baby is disarmingly adorable and too smart for his own good. Or exactly the right amount of smart for his own good.

Me: Hey, no snatching toys, Theo!

Theo: *flashes me his widest smile*

Me: I’m serious, baby. Don’t flash me that smile right now.

Theo: Baby Theo is so cute right?

Me: I know you’re cute, but no snatching allowed. Go say sorry to kor kor Finn.


Me: You have to mean it and not do it again ok?

Theo: Ok. Um mom…can I have a hug?

Me: Yes but URGH!!

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