
Best bros forever

This is going to be a quick one and I’m putting it here in the category of things I need to write down before too much time passes and I forget it ever happened.

I like that the kids can sometimes still surprise me with moments that make parenting such a delight.


It was kind of a rough day for Truett, who was sent to his room after a series of rather serious behavioural infractions. The last one had involved some shoving and pettiness, so I had a very stern word with him, removed all his privileges for a week and sent him to the room for 20 minutes to calm down and think about it while I went to sort out the rest of the kids in what is known as our usual Post-Dinner Mayhem.

Finn came out from his shower, saw his big brother sobbing quietly in the corner of his room and went over to sit down next to him, bare naked bottom and all. I was about to make him put on some clothes first, but he put one tiny arm around Tru’s shoulder and said, “It’s ok kor kor, it’s just me, Finn Kao.”

He’s never had to comfort anyone before and I think he didn’t know what else to say so that’s all he said several times. “It’s ok, it’s just me, Finn Kao Kai Feng.”

And then they just sat in silence together for a long time, one naked baby gently patting his sobbing big brother on the shoulder.

It was like that scene from Inside Out where Sadness just sat with Bing Bong until he felt better, except one had no clothes and the other cried real tears instead of candy.  And because sometimes when you’re really sad, all you need is someone to sit there beside you.

After several minutes, Finn came to me and whispered, “can you give kor kor one more chance because he’s very super sad…”

I’m supposed to stick to my guns and be a firm disciplinarian and all but I have like zero resolve in the face of such moments.

Well played, boys.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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  • Reply Clara November 18, 2015 at 4:31 pm

    Aw…..Lovely moment to have captured on your blog!

  • Reply Melissa November 20, 2015 at 9:39 pm

    Gosh, even though I’m not a mom, tears well up in my eyes when I read this. Your boys are absolute sweethearts.

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