
Being a big brother

If you ask Truett, he’ll tell you that it’s not easy being the oldest kid around here and this is why.

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Just a year ago, he’d be watching baby Theo for 30 seconds and then start yelling “HELP, HELPPPPP!!! I’M HAVING A REALLY HARD TIME OVER HERE, MOM!!”

These days, he’s reading a book with baby Hayley on his lap like it’s nothing to him. He’ll prop her up with his left arm, which he also uses to skilfully flip the page when he’s done. Every now and then, he’ll kiss her on the head distractedly without taking his eyes off the book.

It’s not just reading either. He can also do this while clocking his Wii time or using the iPad.

Mad skills, this boy.

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He may not fuss over baby Hayley like Kirsten does but he’s got his own thing going with his baby sister, which is the sweetest thing to watch.

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And what was I doing while all this was going down? I’d like to say that I was off looking into something super important or fixing dinner or some other busy mom stuff but no, I was actually lying on the couch taking a break as Kirsten fed me grapes.

This almost makes me want to have another baby, but that’s what ligation is for, y’all. To make sure you don’t do anything stupid when your babies are being all sweet and adorable.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Lyn Lee October 5, 2016 at 12:01 pm

    I think this must be the most rewarding part about having many kids! To see the eldest care so well for the younger ones… well done, Truett! Super bro.

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