i love christmas

Christmas in a cup

Is it really November already? I walked into Starbucks today for my regular latte and instead I see this. Christmas latte. All the goodness of Christmas packed into a cup. Also, I’m not getting paid for this but I love it so much I’ll pimp it for free.

So I ordered a venti 6-pump, low fat, no whip, extra shot, toffee nut latte to go and they were all out of venti lids so the barista offered to split it into 3 small cups instead, which is how I walked out with 3 cups of coffee this morning. Not excessive at all.

Now when you do toffee nut latte, you gotta do it right. That first sip is always the most awesome. You have take in a decent mouthful, swirl it around your mouth, close your eyes, breathe in the aroma and wait for the explosion of magic Christmas sauce. The taste is like when rainbow dust meets a baby unicorn swimming in an ocean of buttery caramel.

And then you look at the mountain of work that’s threatening to eat up your email account and you think, “Bring it on, fellas. Momma’s got her magic juice.”

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  • Reply San November 8, 2010 at 9:38 am

    My love is for the Toffee Nut Latte. It was horrible last year. I may have likely blown a good part of my bonus on this cuppa. Thankfully it only comes along once a year. :D
    San´s last post ..An unexpected inclusion

    • Reply Daphne November 10, 2010 at 2:41 pm

      Exactly! Now I have to ration my coffee but that’s a happy problem i guess..

  • Reply Anne November 8, 2010 at 3:46 pm

    You’re absolutely right – Toffee Nut Latte tastes waaaantderful!!

    • Reply Daphne November 10, 2010 at 2:47 pm

      Haha last night I dragged Kel and Kirsten to the airport for a cup a 11pm. We were hoping she would continue sleeping but alas, she woke up and started clapping the moment we got to Starbucks. I think it’s the smell.

  • Reply Audrey November 8, 2010 at 5:22 pm

    I didn’t like it last year, but I tried it again today. After your pimp. Awesome! =D another convert! =D
    Audrey´s last post ..Week 25!

  • Reply Ouidad Blog November 17, 2010 at 2:16 am

    Such a great, descriptive post! We all have our indulgences … and yours sounds just delightful. Enjoy your holidays!
    -Deb for Ouidad

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