December is my favorite time of all because it’s Christmas. It’s also the end of the year, a time when people are generally more relaxed and less high-strung. The streets are bright and pretty. The air is fresh and crisp and cool(er). You have a skip in your step to keep in tune with the carols that float on by. I get to put up the tree and drink toffee nut latte. It’s the season of giving, which also means it’s the season of receiving. December heralds happy times.
Christmas is special for me. For as long as I could remember, Christmas is amazing. Even in the crappiest of years, Christmas always made me smile. There’s magic fairy dust in the air that makes people extra special nice on Christmas. If you ever want to sucker punch somebody in the face, do it on Christmas and you’re most likely to get away with it. But also make sure you can run very fast just in case they’re the grinch and hate Christmas and actually are doubly crabby on the day that Jesus was born.
While we’re at it, you know why Christmas is so awesome? It’s got Jesus. As a baby. Plus little baby sheep. And *everybody* likes babies. That’s like having the most awesome thing in the world and making it even more awesome. It’s a recipe for success. I mean, I like Easter too because resurrecting from the dead is possibly the coolest thing ever and totally like in your face, satan, but the whole crucifixion thing is a bit of a dampener and it just makes you want to cry.
So like I said, when it comes to December, there’s love in the air.
In addition to my recent redecoration, I’ve put up the Christmas tree and started playing Christmas carols. (I’ve got a playlist of 162 songs related to Christmas so it takes me almost a week to get through the whole cycle) Looks like I’m all set for a perfect Christmas this year. Now all I need to do is check off my list of Christmas shopping and I’m good to go.

the tree
Ever since Tru was born, we’ve started a Christmas tradition. We all wake up on Christmas morning to fresh coffee, fluffy pancakes, bacon, ham, eggs and toast. Then we rip open the presents and party all the way till the evening when the entire extended family comes over for a blowout bash with caroling, turkey and pudding.
We’re going all out to make it special for the kids like getting them the coolest presents and packing the day with loads of fun. So that even after they grow up, they always remember the feeling of waking up on Christmas morning.
That feeling, it’s priceless.
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