how i pretend to be a cool mum, i embarrass myself sometimes

Even better than the real thing

Did you know that I queued up for almost 2 hours to get this shot with Minnie? There were all these kids clamoring to get a shot with Minnie Mouse and there I was, the only grown up (I didn’t even have kids to pretend like it was them who wanted the picture) and I stood there in the queue trying to look inconspicuous for almost 2 hours. But when I finally met Minnie, TOTALLY WORTH IT.

So anyway, we were supposed to take a second honeymoon to California for another dose of Disneyland magic before having settling down and having kids but my son got impatient and came a year and a half ahead of schedule, then Kirsten came right after so we traded in the honeymoon for more milk powder and baby booties and the thousand other stuff babies need. Kind of worth it, because that’s the kind of thing moms are supposed to say. But I was still dreaming of meeting Minnie again so I had to um, improvise.

Meet Minnie 2.0. Somewhat smaller than the real thing but she makes up for the lack in size with sheer awesomeness because you also get to snuggle and kiss and squeeze this one for as long as you want. I tried hogging more time with the other Minnie but her handler kept chasing me off after I got my picture, saying something about me holding up the queue. Not cool, real Minnie. Also, I can make this Minnie change costumes and do geeky dance moves.

I’ll be taking orders for anyone who wants to do a meet and greet.

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  • Reply corsage September 28, 2010 at 5:59 pm

    I prefer Minnie 2.0! She’ll do a wonderful meet and greet in all her pinchable chubby glory =) Pity Bubbles only likes Eeyore.
    corsage´s last post ..Playdate of a different kind

  • Reply andy September 29, 2010 at 12:08 am

    haha … so when are you giving out queue tickets?
    I might be the only adult male to hug your Minnie 2 keke
    (hiak who will Tru cosplay?)
    andy´s last post ..Xin- can I have one more Sweet Potato

  • Reply Andrea September 29, 2010 at 8:01 am

    I think Minnie 2.0 is so much cuter. And that girl beside Minnie 1.0, again so much cuter :)

  • Reply lynne September 29, 2010 at 9:31 am

    Minnie 2.0 wins.

    She looks pretty in red :)

  • Reply Jaq September 29, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    loving this pic 2.0

  • Reply Kam September 30, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    I want a Mickey 2.0. Can you create one, too?

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