
Lesson 2: Biology and other stuff

Usually when I bathe the kids, I try to sneak in a biology lesson. That’s the most convenient time because it’s all out there when they shower so I’ll quiz them on the names of each body part. Since there’s 2 of them, I can use the real models at my disposal instead of flash cards. They get to point to each other’s eyes, chin, knees and toes on top of identifying their own. That’s a reason to have more than one kid right there.

During the course of these lessons, I’ve learnt a few things myself.

1. Their favorite body part is the elbow because it reminds them of their furry red friend from Sesame Street.

2. The chinny chin chin is their next favorite, just like the Three Little Pigs.

3. Penis is way easier to say than vagina. Vagina gets confused with pyjamas, china, virginia and a whole lot of other made up words.

4. Everyone wants to have a penis. And by everyone, I mean baby girl. At least once a day, she shouts “I got penis” and I have to say “no, you don’t, what you have is a vagina” and she’ll go “I got penis” even louder. This goes on for quite a while.

5. Their eyes are used to see, the nose to smell and the mouth to eat. The armpits? For tickling.

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  • Reply Jus January 31, 2011 at 9:33 pm

    Heeeheee… so cute! Especially your girl! :)
    Jus´s last post ..Monday made- Party packs

  • Reply Miss Ash February 2, 2011 at 2:27 am

    That’s hilarious! We try to make teaching applicable to the situation, too. Thankfully my kids are getting older and I don’t have to shower them anymore.
    Miss Ash´s last post ..Rantings From The Mad Woman Inside of Me

  • Reply Anonymous February 2, 2011 at 10:14 pm

    Sooooo cute i’m loving them both. :D

    oh btw your 5th point reminds me of my Physiology Lecturer. She said that “You parents told you that you see with yours eyes, smell with your nose and hear with your ears. Now I’m telling you that you see, smell and hear all with your brain”


  • Reply Real Mom Recipes » Mom Blogs I Love February 8, 2011 at 4:55 am

    […] highly recommend reading this hilarious post about kids and biology…..something only a parent would think is […]

  • Reply Adora June 21, 2011 at 10:20 pm

    Poppy too! She takes toilet paper and sticks it between her legs and says “Look Mama! I have a penis like Papa!” :|

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