
Lesson 1: How to be a construction worker

To kickstart my homeschooling program, today was all about construction toys. The objectives: creative thinking, finger dexterity, following instructions, learning to focus, all that jazz.

See, much as I’d like them to become a rock star or a heart surgeon, I need to prepare them in case they ever want to become a construction worker. I’m considerate like that.

My mom got them these wooden sets from Plan Toys for Christmas and we only just got around to playing with them today.

I made these by looking at pictures of the finished models. 15 minutes a pop.

We poured out all the parts onto the table and I was all like “Tru, can you build momma a sailboat”, hoping it would keep him occupied for at least a half hour. He fiddled with the parts for a minute then shoved it to me and said “mommy build”.

So that was that. Lesson over.

It turned out that I had a lot more fun building all these models than they did. My inner geek was rocking out to construction toys for 3-year-olds while they ditched me and went to harass my sister instead. It took me 15 minutes to complete one and I was showing it off to the kids like “see, momma made you a race car”. They looked at it for all of 5 seconds and said “I don’t like the car, mommy build airplane”.

Great, after 15 minutes and fingers like a claw, I have to take it apart and make something else, which they will look at for 5 seconds. It’s a good thing I actually enjoy making them.

Maybe tomorrow we’ll do something easier, like one of those doctor sets.

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  • Reply Momof2 January 27, 2011 at 4:53 pm

    Would you consider taking 2 more toddlers for your home schooling? I will be happy to send my 2 toddlers to you. I am sure it will more fun than in childcare. Ha ha

    • Reply Daphne February 1, 2011 at 11:45 pm

      Haha sure, then I can start a child labor syndicate at home and get them to make sneakers and tshirts. =)

  • Reply lilsnooze January 29, 2011 at 7:14 pm

    Haha yeah, it took me awhile to build one of these things, on my own, with nat telling me what he wanted.

    I made sure he played with it for at least a day before dismantling and shoving to daddy to build the next one!

    • Reply Daphne February 1, 2011 at 11:47 pm

      Except that my I’m much more into this building stuff than the husband. I’m usually the one who fixes the furniture and does all the geeky stuff. Or I’ll stand around and supervise while he does the manual labor.

  • Reply San January 31, 2011 at 11:13 am

    I also have grandeur ideas about Jay being this master architect… most of the time, it is up to Mommy and Daddy to flex our creative muscles when it comes to Lego or Playdoh time! Haha!
    San´s last post ..Lego rocks!

    • Reply Daphne February 1, 2011 at 11:50 pm

      Exactly! Most of the time the kids are destroying the stuff faster than I can build. It’s like having 2 mini godzillas at home.

  • Reply Seth Parent December 5, 2022 at 10:49 am

    I remember being given a beautiful building set on my 8th birthday, it was my first exposure to the world of construction and paved the way for my choice of the career in construction industry :)
    Seth Parent´s last post ..How To Keep Squirrels Off Roof

  • Reply Dris January 3, 2024 at 5:05 pm

    Great Blog… Thank you

  • Reply Md Rahat April 20, 2024 at 11:33 pm

    It actually recreates our childhood memories. it’s actually very concerning that how time had changed and how we got interested in construction by those simple toys

  • Reply Miller June 3, 2024 at 10:32 pm

    That sounds like a truly inspiring and pivotal moment! It’s amazing how a thoughtful gift on your 8th birthday sparked a lifelong passion and shaped your career in the construction industry. It goes to show the profound impact that early experiences and encouragement can have on our future paths. elementmaja võtmed kätte hind

  • Reply Osman July 9, 2024 at 9:40 pm

    It’s wonderful to see how engaging construction toys can be for both kids and adults! Just like the importance of building strong foundations with toys, ensuring quality construction for your home is crucial. This principle is especially vital when it comes to roofing. Regular inspections and maintenance can save you a lot of trouble down the line. For more insights, check out this [roofing tips](https://vistaroofinglincoln.co.uk/how-do-you-fix-a-leaking-roof/) guide!

    Osman´s last post ..how do you fix a leaking roof? Modern Techniques

  • Reply Petracast November 19, 2024 at 10:13 pm

    Great resource for homeschooling! This lesson makes learning about construction so engaging and hands-on. Perfect for sparking interest in young minds.
    Petracast´s last post ..To the Future of Precast Construction

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