Happee Day

You want to read this if you’re coming for Happee Day. If not, you probably want to go watch some youtube videos instead.

This is going to be quick. I just need to clarify a few things in case there’s some confusion regarding the volunteering for Happee Day. You guys have been awesome in your support and I really want to say thanks again.

While we would like to have as many people there as possible, we do have some limitations with regards to the number of people we can host. Which is why I do need everyone who’s coming down to help us out by registering via email. That will really help us a lot in planning for the food and activities so it doesn’t turn out to be a logistical nightmare on the 31st.

We’ve also gotten 2 sets of stickers printed – one for guests (CCF families) and one for volunteers so everyone who has registered will be issued a Happee Day sticker (yes, even the kids) so we can identify who’s who.

I understand that some of you can only come down at 10 or 11, that’s ok, but just let me know in advance alright? Also, for those bringing kids along and aren’t sure how you can help, your job on that day is to hang out with the guests, mingle and have a blast doing the activities together.

One final request, my very talented art director has requested that everyone come down in a white top (yes, including the kids). Because we’re all supposed to *be* the canvas on that day. Don’t ask me what that means, it’s all very abstract but what I do know is that it’s going to look so badass. You can have prints but the dominant color has to be white, ok? Or if you don’t have white, come in beige or cream or pale white or off white, that’s also cool.

Ok, I did say it’s going to be quick so this is me being quick. See you next Sunday!

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  • Reply San October 24, 2010 at 10:57 pm

    Next Sunday, already? It’s gonna be awesome! ;) U’re doing an awesome job rallying the support for this!
    San´s last post ..How to spot a non-parent

  • Reply chocklitmom October 24, 2010 at 11:12 pm

    Hey, got your email but when I replied, I received a message undelivered reply. Unfortunately, will not be able to make it for the event as it clashes with Zach’s classmate’s party. Which is a shame because what you have planned sounds very very exciting! I think the children are going to be thrilled! Looking fwd to the post-event updates and photos.
    chocklitmom´s last post ..Yamaha Concert

  • Reply andy October 24, 2010 at 11:39 pm

    .. everybody pray for Haze to “disappear” next Sun haha
    andy´s last post ..Swimming is FUN

  • Reply beanbean October 25, 2010 at 12:22 pm

    all the best this sunday! we’re not going to be able to be there cos we will be out of town but i’m sure it will be a blast. looking forward to the pics and updates!

  • Reply Linette October 25, 2010 at 9:36 pm

    Hey Daphne, got your email but accidentally deleted it so could not track your address! Yes, the Bees and I will be there. I will confirm again if my hubby can make it. What do you need us to do?? :)
    Linette´s last post ..Her First Project Work

  • Reply ED October 28, 2010 at 9:39 am

    Hi Daphne,

    Sorry but I cannot be there on Sun, as it is my service day.

    U are doing a great job, and if u need any additional help, just let me know :)

  • Reply Joyce Leo October 28, 2010 at 10:59 am

    Hi Daphne,

    If it isn’t too late, can we (3 of us- Hub, daughter and me) join in?
    By the way, noble effort!

  • Reply sally October 29, 2010 at 9:54 am

    We will be there….total 10 of us including kids.

    thanks for organizing this happee day

  • Reply Leonny November 1, 2010 at 1:13 am

    Sigh. Couldn’t make it today :(
    Morning sickness phase still not quite over and with hubby being overseas, my energy level was not enough to bring the kids out in the morning, followed by a string of other activities that take place on our usual Sundays.

    I saw some pics posted up on FB though! And the event looked colourful and great! Really wished I could drop by and be a part of it!

    Kudos to you for organising it and to everyone who volunteered and made the day a Happee Day for the kids!
    Leonny´s last post ..Anya – K2 Graduation and Concert

    • Reply Daphne November 3, 2010 at 11:13 pm

      Hey Leonny sorry I missed this comment, thanks for the support and encouragement and yes, please take care! The first trimester is always the most draining, I totally understand.

      Maybe next year! :)

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