Happee Day

We’re gonna have to go away..and dream it all up again.

I’m still recovering from the aftermath of Happee Day. You know what event planning and giving birth have in common? They’re both hardcore – the adrenaline you get from the experience is totally intense.

Also, if you think about it, the actual event is very much like delivering the baby and all that post-event coverage, that’s like delivering the placenta. Unless you had a c-section, then that’s just like taking a nap while getting high.

It was all worth it, though, and so heartwarming to see everyone going all out to make it happen for the kids. The event ran like clockwork because everyone worked together in perfect symmetry, some arranging tables, others blowing bubbles, giving out ice-cream, sharing brownies and slapping hi-fives. I know I’ve said thank you many times but if it’s worth saying once then it’s worth saying again.

At one point while we were up to our eyeballs in all the planning and coordination, we did wonder if one day would actually make a difference. We’re not curing cancer or anything, and some might just call it mucking around.

But I think having fun is underrated. If life is made up of a series of moments, then these are the moments that we’ll look back at and remember.

Like there was this little boy in a beanie hat at the Rockband gaming booth. He was on the drums and the music from the DJ console was so loud he couldn’t hear a single note from the gaming console. But he was rocking out like he was drumming for U2 at Madison Square Garden. It was just a bunch of tiny flashing lights on a TV screen but he made it look so awesome.

And the kid who felt like he was a real pirate for a day, in a world where he was fighting baddies next to Ironman. And the kid who chased down The Flash and caught him so he could go to school and tell everyone how he ran faster than The Flash (come on, that’s some serious street cred right there). And the girl who made the prettiest cake in the whole wide world.

Some of you asked if we’re doing this again. At first, we weren’t sure if this first one would even take off but having met the kids, if just one of them went home feeling like a superstar, then hell yeah, we’re doing this again. Maybe not in the exact same way because we’re already thinking of how to up the ante for the next one.

If there’s one thing I learnt from this, it’s that people have heart and they want to make a difference. I’m truly awed to have done this together with you.

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  • Reply Sean Lee November 3, 2010 at 1:29 am

    it was a great experience for me. I am in for the next one. Just let me know when.

  • Reply suen November 3, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    Shine the light in the night sky and i shall come.

    • Reply Daphne November 3, 2010 at 10:00 pm

      Hey how long does it take for you to fly from NZ here?

      Oh wait…I must have gotten my superheroes mixed up.

      The Dark Knight meets Superman Part I

      The Dark Knight meets Superman Part II

    • Reply Kel November 3, 2010 at 10:04 pm

      That was me by the way not sure why I got logged on as Daf!

  • Reply The Savvy Mummy November 17, 2010 at 9:36 am

    I love these: “…having fun is underrated. If life is made up of a series of moments, then these are the moments that we’ll look back at and remember.” Great job, Daphne!
    The Savvy Mummy´s last post ..I survived the first two weeks of motherhood

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