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Porcelain Skin Part 2: bring on the pain


So I was back for part 2 of my Porcelain experience and this time was not quite as um, relaxing. After the soothing Oxy Revive Treatment, I was in for some hardcore extraction in the Director’s Quintessential Facial. This is the one treatment most people come here for because it is that good. On top of the legendary extraction process, they also make use of LED Light Therapy to promote collagen production, reduce pigmentation and soothe the skin.

When I arrived, I braced myself, took deep breaths and kept my fingers crossed that it wouldn’t hurt as bad as I expected it to.

“Is this going to hurt?” I asked nervously.

“Yes, but it’s going to be worth it.”

With that, I experienced the most exquisite pain I have ever felt for the next 45 minutes. Seriously, childbirth is painful but at least there’s epidural. This was just pure unadulterated grit-your-teeth-and-suck-it-up sort of pain. I twitched like a fish out of water as Aunty Jenny meticulously extracted every blackhead, whitehead and milia seed from my face, even those I didn’t know I had. She would pause and show me all the impurities she extracted, which was a little gross yet strangely therapeutic to know that the pain was yielding such obvious results.

After the extraction, Aunty Jenny customized a blend of serums and mask to help the skin regenerate as I heaved a sigh of relief.

When it was finally all over, I looked like I was attacked by a very angry bobcat. In the face. But I was assured that it was temporary and when the redness wore off, it would all be worth it.

And so it was. When the redness subsided, my skin was smooth as a baby’s bottom. Well, maybe not that smooth but smoother and clearer than it had been in years. Some of the pigmentation was also considerably lighter and I was loving my new glowing Photoshopped complexion. In fact, I’m so sold that I’m willing to go through the entire ordeal all over again.

What can I say? I’m a believer.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Porcelain, The Face Spa. All opinions and text are my own.

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  • Reply Milia Seeds – Understanding Causes & Treatment – Porcelain Prologue – A skincare blog dedicated to everything you need to achieve Porcelain Skin, by Porcelain March 25, 2020 at 11:28 pm

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