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My chi is now much higher. Or lower. Whichever one is better.

I didn’t think I’d be the sort but turns out, I love redecorating. Seeing how much time I spend at home, it’s nice to give the place a little makeover every now and then. Plus there’s that whole Barney Stinson philosophy of how New Is Always Better. With which I wholeheartedly concur.

Once in a while, I’ll make the husband move the furniture around just for kicks. He says the cabinet looks exactly the same 5 inches to the left but the man obviously knows nothing about fengshui. Which is admittedly more than I do, but I make up for it by throwing in random words like chi and earth energy.

And it irritates him the most when I make him shift everything back to its original spot because the new layout looks terrible.

Last week, I had a bit of fun redecorating the kids’ room with new wall decals. Alma from Pinnacle Wall Arts sent over a whole bunch of premium quality wall stickers called wallcandy arts. They were so pretty that baby girl was all “I like this one and this one and this one and this one…”

We had a hard time picking out the ones we wanted to put up but we finally settled on Forest Friends for Kirsten and Race Me for Tru. It took me almost a full hour to get the stickers just right but so worth it because the end result was gorgeous.

It’s like the forest animals are having a party around the row of pictures (which I’m supposed to replace with pictures of my kids – I’m still choosing which ones to put up). And the race cars were placed above Tru’s fire engine bed for thematic unity.

It’s a brilliant concept – high quality removable wall stickers that can be repositioned as many times as I wanted without losing its stickiness. I could create a new scene and story with the wall stickers and it was totally hassle free. Just peel and re-paste.

The husband is happy too because me moving stickers around whenever I get bitten by the redecorating bug means less furniture moving for him.

The stickers are also pretty hardy. The kids had a great time peeling them off, scrunching them into little balls and asking me to put them back again. Kirsten pasted an acorn on her nose and went around saying “see I’m a qui-wel, so pretty.” I think she meant squirrel but yes princess, SO PRETTY.

Ok, giveaway time! Pinnacle Wall Arts will be giving away a set of My Sunshine and Sweet Dream Fairies to 2 readers. Just leave a comment below on which part of your home you love best. Contest closes on midnight, Sunday 31 July and 2 winners will be selected randomly.

Also, go check out their lovely range of wall stickers, wall decals and wall murals. You’ll get a 15% discount by keying in the code motherinc upon checkout. This code has no limit or no expiry date so shop away!

UPDATED: Congrats to Shan (comment 24) for winning My Sunshine and pm_babe (comment 14)  for winning Sweet Dream Fairies! I’ll be contacting you for delivery details shortly. Enjoy your new wall decals!

After removing all the non-entries, there were 59 entries for the contest.

Thanks for sharing the favorite corners of your home, I loved reading every single one.

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  • Reply Louisa Kok July 29, 2011 at 2:20 pm


    You’re very creative in decorating your kids’ bedrooms!
    I’ve also bought stickers but yet to stick them…only did some educational ones in the kitchen..=D
    Some even glow in the dark!
    I love the living room the most, cos that’s where we can play together, eat together, watch TV together, amidst my animal themed flat…with customized doggie window grilles…TY bears all around..=D

    Hope I’ll be able to win some stickers to decorate my 2yo daughter’s room…=D

  • Reply Erika July 29, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    The livingroom..we hang out there alot. Does the back porch count in summer? :) love the pic with your dauther with Chocolate on nose???

  • Reply Pamela July 29, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    I love our bedroom best coz that’s where all 5 of us sleep, and where the kids have a lot of fun tumbling about on the bed! :)

  • Reply Angie July 29, 2011 at 4:35 pm

    I like my master bedroom the most. Where we spend quality time with my gals

  • Reply Law Yee Wen July 29, 2011 at 10:31 pm

    I like our living room the most, as it is the place my son plays and crawls, my husbands watches tv, and me surf the net. It’s so warm! :)

  • Reply Susan July 29, 2011 at 11:34 pm

    It’s got to be my living room then. A place where we spend the most amount of time, reading, playing, chilling, learning and having lots of laughs and fun in.

  • Reply Euniece July 30, 2011 at 11:56 am

    It’s my son’s room cos we love to play in the room, and he likes to roll on the mattress.

  • Reply Militza July 30, 2011 at 1:05 pm

    I like my balcony the best – it’s like having the outdoors, inside.

  • Reply Lim yian July 31, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Bedroom! Our bedroom.
    Our baby rooms in with us. Especially on the lazy weekends, papa and mama will lie beside our girl, on her mattress for regular bonding sessions ;p our eyes will be half-open while our baby girl practices her vocals. This is also where we spent countless nights changing her soiled diapers!

  • Reply Kaelyn July 31, 2011 at 1:45 pm

    Hello there,
    the walls are nicely decorated!
    I feel that the best part is that you get to change the whole feel of the room without the messiness of painting!!
    Living room the best cos the whole family hangs out there.
    Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  • Reply BJ July 31, 2011 at 2:15 pm

    Hi, my fav place is the living room where the whole family hangs out with our baby and she gets to crawl around, exploring the different pieces of furniture with her mouth!

  • Reply Homeschooling – the end of a chapter — MOTHER, INC. May 19, 2012 at 12:06 am

    […] Results for the Pinnacle Wall Arts giveaway are out! Congrats to our 2 winners! Share this:ShareFacebookStumbleUponEmailPrint Cancel […]

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