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It’s now day 4 of Truett’s head injury and he’s doing much better. He finally let us wash his hair last night after refusing to let us go near his head for 3 days. He tried running his fingers through his hair and got grossed out at how oily and clumpy it was so he came up to me and said “ok, you can wash my hair now.”

I may or may not have said that lice were going to have babies in his hair.

Anyway, I thought about it and I am going to talk about our visit to the dentist. Because I’m embracing the mundane. Right after this, I’m going to have a cup of coffee with the mundane and talk about mundane stuff for the rest of the day.

First, here are all the things I know about dentists.

1. I’m really bad at dental visits.

2. I’m really, really bad at dental visits.

3. Dentists have lots of sharp pointy things that make pain in the mouth.

4. I really don’t like pain. Or sharp pointy things.

5. But I like my teeth and dentists make sure I keep them in my mouth.

All this while, dental visits for the kids have been on the list of things we know we should probably get around to doing at some point but just not now. We do the basics like brushing and from time to time, I check their teeth for signs of obvious decay. So far, it looks like their pearly whites are still pretty pearly.

Besides, aren’t these teeth supposed to come off in a couple of years? Worst case scenario is that they lose all their teeth and voila, they’ll get a set of brand new ones, right?

Ok turns out, wrong. As I found out from Dr Chin from T32 Junior Dental Centre, messed up baby teeth will likely result in messed up adult teeth so the whole adage about prevention being better than cure – well, it’s true.

We finally brought the kids for their first dental visit at T32 Junior, which is at Camden Medical Centre. I was amazed at how painless the experience was. The place was incredibly kid-friendly it was and I don’t just mean the decor. Lots of dental places do the bright cheery themed walls to distract you from the pointy things, but the staff at T32 were also great with putting the kids at ease.

Dr Chin was a natural with the kids, making a balloon from a surgical glove and teaching them proper brushing techniques. He believes in helping kids combat dental phobias by creating a non-threatening environment and making sure they feel comfortable in the treatment room.

In fact, it was so convincing that the next time I go check my teeth, I’m going to request for a princess room at T32.

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  • Reply Ai Sakura October 10, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    Glad to know that Tru’s head is better… our bub was ill over the weekend. Torture!!! We are not really those kinda people that can survive on just 2 hrs sleep a night.

    “Princess room” at T32?? interesting…
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..Beef Spinach Fettucine

    • Reply Daphne October 11, 2011 at 6:15 pm

      Oh ya, all their kids treatment rooms have themes like the Disney Princesses or Toy Story or Cars… I’m going for the Princess one. :)

  • Reply leslie October 11, 2011 at 10:11 am

    OMG this is a godsend post. Like you I totally HATE visiting the dentists, and my teeth got so bad after pregnancy that i had to peel myself away from home to visit one. Question is – are the dentists in your blogpost also friendly to ADULT dentist-and-pointy-things-HATERS like me? >.<

    Pssss if they are, pls send me their contacts… I will bring along my twins so we can egg each other on…..

    • Reply Daphne October 11, 2011 at 6:18 pm

      I hear you on the pregnancy teeth! My gums were bleeding a lot towards the last trimester..

      Not sure about the adult dentists because I haven’t tried it yet but Dr Chin who checked the kids was really good. Very friendly and non-threatening. Haha you can request for the Princess room too! You can check out their site at http://www.t32dental.com

  • Reply pc October 11, 2011 at 11:51 am

    Glad to know that Tru’s better now. Think he learnt his lesson;p…

    Mind I ask, how much for the visit? I know dental service these days are awesome in handling kids. They package it into the bill too. Could it be possible for me to look for a reasonable charge with less princess setting… hmmm i wonder.

    • Reply Daphne October 11, 2011 at 6:20 pm

      Hi pc, their consultation rates are between $45-80. You can give them a call to check if you’re keen. :)

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