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Geeks unite!

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I’ve been a fan of Comic Con for a while, so much so that the husband and I have talked about flying to New York to attend Comic Con at least once so that our inner geeks can geek out together with the rest of the geeks (ok, and some cool people) in what’s known as the ultimate celebration of geekness.

If you love movies and superheroes and comic book characters, Comic Con is where you’ll see all of them come to life in the coolest costumes imaginable.

With that in mind, we were really excited to hear that Comic Con is coming to us right here in Singapore. In collaboration with ReedPOP – the makers of the New York Comic Con (NYCC), Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2), Star Wars Celebration and the New York Anime Festival, The Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention (STGCC) basically created our own version of Comic Con. SGTCC combines the best of pop culture from East and West, uniting the worlds of comics, anime, manga, toys, collectibles, games and movies in one awesome event.

STGCC 2012

STGCC 2012 #2

Happening in less than 2 week’s time (on 31 August and 1 September) at Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, this year’s event looks to be better than ever. Possibly because of this.

Hall of Armor

Alright folks, that right there is the Hall of Armor from Tony Stark’s Malibu mansion – the Mark I through the Mark VII, with the Mark XLII as the centerpiece. No, seriously, all I need is Robert Downey Junior doing his hand suit-up move and my life will be complete. Depending on how heavily guarded it is, I might attempt to try it on at the risk of getting hauled off by security.

I know for a fact that Truett will join me in this mission because this is what he’s been doing at home lately.


It will be a really fun time for families and kids so remember to bring your kids along, especially on Sunday, 1 September, where kids aged 12 and below will get to have free admission to the event. In addition to this, there will also be tons of super cute exclusives available for sale at this event. Like this build-your-own minion.

Despicable Me 2 Build-A-Minion

And this Despicable Me 2 Minions Monopoly, in which Gru is back with another evil plan and it’s up to you to collect Banana Bucks and own all of your favorite properties before he succeeds.

Despicable Me 2 Minions Monopoly

And this limited edition Tokidoki Comic Corno Unicorn.

Comic-Corno (Exclusive)

And exclusive Nanoblocks.

Exclusive Nanoblock

And some Rilakkuma and Sanrio Kuji, whom I believe are distant relatives of Kirsten’s favorite Hello Kitty.

Rilakkuma kuji part26

And speaking of Hello Kitties, limited edition Hello Kitty dressed as Ugly Dolls (the characters, not random ugly dolls in general). Because ugly is the new pretty.

Hello Kitty Ugly Doll 7 Plush

And more actual Ugly Dolls, which are strangely, kind of cute.


It’s going to be a blast, so mark your calendars and head down for some family geekout fun.

Also, more to come on a special Disney Marvel showcase, stay tuned.

*1-day tickets are retailing at $19 and the 2-day tickets are retailing at $25. There will be free admission for children under five on 31 August 2013, plus free admission for children 12 years old and below on 1 September 2013. 

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  • Reply bulats August 21, 2013 at 7:22 pm

    now i have to go book my flight to SG!

    • Reply Daphne August 21, 2013 at 9:48 pm

      Hahahha it’s a good time to come over!

  • Reply Adorra August 24, 2013 at 5:18 pm

    Is it just me or September is a good time to go back home? (Even though I just came back for Hari Raya lol) Will you be going for this Daph?

    • Reply Daphne August 24, 2013 at 11:25 pm

      Definitely!! The kids are looking forward to it – Tru might even go as Ironman.
      And hey, anytime is a good time to be home! :)

      • Reply Adorra August 24, 2013 at 11:27 pm

        Ahhh! So jealous! I wanna go too! The Hello Kitty in the ugly bat suit is so adorable and I am sure the kids are really looking forward to it. TOYS AND MORE TOYS! :)

        • Reply Daphne August 25, 2013 at 12:10 am

          I seriously don’t get the hello kitties but my daughter on the other hand, sigh…

  • Reply Adorra August 25, 2013 at 12:12 am

    Hahaha. Sorry Daph. I am with Team Kirsten on this!

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