getting ready for baby

Too many tiny humans

I’m 16 weeks out from THE ARRIVAL of one baby Theo and it still feels a little bit surreal. I’m mostly a picture of calm but I get these “WHAT HAVE I DONE??!!” moments where I start to panic a little about having 4 kids and it’s been happening with increased frequency as the EDD draws nearer.

That’s normal right, moms with 4 kids?

It took me a while to get used to having 3 and for the most part, it already feels like we’re getting overrun by an army of tiny humans.

I still remember what it was like when Truett was born and we were reeling from the shock of having ONE teensy weensy little baby. That first day we brought him home from the hospital, he screamed all night in my arms and we felt like our entire universe was falling apart it was all WOE IS ME please make him STOP CRYING ouchies MY BOOBS ARE FILLED WITH ROCKS and THIS IS THE HARDEST THING I’VE EVER HAD TO DO.

And then there were two and everything got…so much worse. Post natal depression? It hit me so hard that there as a time I thought I’d never walk out of it. I had 2 babies to feed, twice the amount of diapers, and what seemed like 20 times the amount of shrieking going on at any given moment.

2 years later, we were crazy enough to go for a third and now, we’re a couple of months away from welcoming a fourth. I suppose you could say that things escalated quickly.

Am I ready for 4? Between you and me, I feel like I’m way out of my depth. But looking back at every point of having (more) babies, I never really felt like I was ready until it happened and I found out that I was in fact, as ready as I could ever be. Ok, so there were (too many) moments where I could barely keep my head above water and I ended up drinking in more water than I would have liked to but that’s how we level up our kungfu skillz.

Besides, I have these adorable tiny humans to make up for it.


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  • Reply cardigal April 7, 2014 at 11:53 pm

    I salute you Daphne! My first is exactly the same month old as Finn and I’m expecting my 2nd – same edd as you! Already now I feel like I can’t cope when baby is not even out yet.

    All that tantrums from my 1st… makes me want to scream and run out of the house! And she’s not even 2 yet! Some days I shudder to think how I can handle a new born and a terrible-two toddler in 4 months time. Heh…

    But that said… They’re definitely such blessings and won’t our hearts melt when they say “sowrie mama… I wuff yoo”. ;)

    • Reply Daphne April 9, 2014 at 6:33 pm

      Congrats on the little one, we can be EDD buddies! LOL Finn is in his tantrum phase too, most of the time terrible twos start way before they even turn 2 sighh..

  • Reply Susan April 13, 2014 at 9:55 pm

    I’ve got 10 weeks to go till our fourth baby is due. And I’m kinda freaking out! (Others will be 6,4 and ,2 years. Need to deal with 2 birthday parties first!)
    Im sure long term 4 children will be lovely, but the next 2-3 years will be busy and chaotic!
    Wishing us both good luck!!

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