Funny or So I think, Kidspeak

Look mommy, there are balls in my knees

I had a whole amazing blog post idea for today but then I’m bringing the kids to the Botanics for a walk instead so I’m totally going to phone it in and repeat some of the conversations I’ve had with the kids in recent days. So it’s like they’re earning their little field trip by doing my work for me and we all win.

Also, it will be very useful material for my speech on their wedding day. Yes, I’m already preparing my speech for when my kids get married, I’m efficient like that. It will be equally awesome and embarrassing.


Kirsten: Mommy, what you doing?

Me: I’m trying to sleep. No more talking, sweetheart.

Kirsten: Ok.


Kirsten: Goodnight Jesus. Mommy, I say goodnight to Jesus.

Me: Jesus says goodnight too. Ok go to sleep.


Tru: Mei mei don’t jump, you’re stepping on my balls.

Me: what??? do you even know what are balls? where are these balls that you speak of?

Tru: Here. *points to his knees*


Tru: I need to sleep on mommy’s bed because there’s an octopus.

Me: Right. Where is it? I’ll ask daddy to catch it.

Tru: Daddy cannot catch it. When mommy go bathe, the octopus will come out.

Me: So it’s hiding?

Tru: Yes it’s hiding. And I don’t like the octopus.

Me: Ok fair enough, I don’t like hiding octopuses too.


Kirsten: Mommy we need to take bus?

Me: Yes baby, we’re taking the bus today.

Kirsten: Mommy you got no car?

Tru: Mommy needs to work then got car.

Me: So should mommy go to work?

Tru: No. I like to sit on the bus.


Tru: Mommy I need to go poo poo toilet bowl.

Me: Just give me 2 minutes, Kirsten is falling asleep.

Tru: I need to go now. If not I will poo poo on my training pants and it will drop on the floor. I cannot let the poo poo drop on the floor.

Me: *sigh* I know you’re not actually urgent enough to poop on the floor but for the convincing argument, I’ll take you now.


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  • Reply VeR May 20, 2011 at 6:35 pm

    Gosh, they are so funny!
    Can’t wait for my son to start talking too ( instead of screaming and me trying to guess what he wants).

  • Reply Tin May 20, 2011 at 8:47 pm

    I like these conversations! Keep them coming :)
    Tin´s last post ..Siblings fights

  • Reply Yvonne May 20, 2011 at 9:33 pm

    Well, it’s like another episode of “Kids Say the Darndest Things”. They are way too cute! Thanks for sharing.
    Yvonne´s last post ..My Animal Loving Baby

  • Reply Shiqin May 20, 2011 at 11:22 pm

    I love the bus one best! Funny & heartwarming, too. :)
    Shiqin´s last post ..Between The Greens And Under Blue Hues

  • Reply Jasmine May 21, 2011 at 1:41 am

    So cute! Kids are the funniest and the most entertaining people in the world! love this post :)
    Jasmine´s last post ..Top 10 Financial Mistakes Moms Make

  • Reply lilsnooze May 21, 2011 at 12:47 pm

    Haha, the last one actually happened to me. :P Poo poo drop on floor and he went “mummy I dont know why poo poo drop on the floor.”


  • Reply Al May 21, 2011 at 2:13 pm

    Can we have some vids! They are so cute they brighten my day(:

  • Reply San May 23, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    Hahaha! Balls! Classic :P
    San´s last post ..A day to see a waterfall

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