Funny or So I think, Kidspeak

I knew I should have gone with those CCTV cameras


I saw them go into the room so I figured they were playing with toys peacefully for once. That was nice, I thought. No shrieks of “GIVE ME BACK”, “NOOOOOOOO” to contend with and I can finally sit down for a cup of afternoon coffee.

I set down my steaming cup of joe and walked into the room wanting to tell them how proud I was that they were learning to play in peace and maybe give them a pep talk so it would last longer.

Instead, I walked in to see the entire left side of baby girl’s cheek colored pink. In Tru’s hand was the smoking gun, a bright pink marker. “I draw on mei mei’s face”, he pointed to his masterpiece. Objectively speaking, it was a fine piece of work, with the entire surface area colored in like I taught him to. Except that it was his sister’s face he was using as a canvas. In semi-permanent ink.

Deep breathing. Come on, be calm. I never specifically told him not to draw on his sister’s face so no rules were broken, so to speak. Besides, Kirsten was a willing party. “See, pink color,” she said laughing. “I like kor kor draw on the face.” Give it 10 years, young lady, and we’ll see if you still like it as much. Well, he did use a chair to prop himself up high enough to reach the box of markers I thought was kept safe out of his reach but that was a misdemeanor at best. This will just have to go into the list of things he now knows he’s not supposed to do.

Rule #261: No coloring on faces. Incidentally, Rule #260 was no putting rice in the washing machine. I need to have all my bases covered with these two.

When I calmed down sufficiently, I brought them to the shower and started scrubbing off the marker stains (which upon closer inspection was on their hands, legs and Truett’s right butt cheek – I don’t even want to know how that happened).

“Ok, that’s enough mischief for the day, go play with toys. Peacefully.” I used my stern mommy voice so that should buy me fifteen minutes to get some vacuuming done. As I was finishing up the living room, Kirsten started screaming bloody murder and this time, I walked into something far worse. Truett was holding a pair of scissors and there were clumps of hair EVERYWHERE. He had taken it upon himself to give his sister a haircut and by the looks of it, took off a piece of her ear in the process.

That was when I lost it completely. Kirsten was still screaming, I was screaming and by this time, Truett decided it was probably a smart move to join in the screaming. On the plus side, Kirsten’s body parts are all still intact but her hair now looks like she was attacked by dogs. I’m trying to change her parting so I can use the hair from the other side to cover up the patches.

With two kids, silence is not golden. It’s terrifying.

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  • Reply strawberrymilkmama March 3, 2011 at 3:05 pm

    that did not just happen!! omg.

    on the funny side, truett seems bent on grooming his little sister today. that’s erm… nice and sweet and brotherly? :D
    strawberrymilkmama´s last post ..It’s up to the teachers’ sole discretion

    • Reply daphne March 6, 2011 at 4:56 pm

      oh yes, it did happen. I eventually found a scratch near her neck… good thing it’s not a deep gash

  • Reply Cynthia March 3, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    Wow…what a day… That’s really the ultimate… I don’t know how I will react under such circumstances. It’s so funny and angry at the same time. I guess I will burst out laughing.

    • Reply daphne March 6, 2011 at 4:57 pm

      yeah, I didn’t know how to react either. I didn’t manage to laugh till much later though. under these circumstances, scream first, laugh later

  • Reply Cecilia March 3, 2011 at 4:48 pm

    Oh my!
    I hope Kirsten is alright ;(

  • Reply Kless March 3, 2011 at 5:00 pm


    I feel for you, I really do. KIDSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
    Kless´s last post ..Our Universal Studios Singapore Experience! Part III

  • Reply Jennifer March 4, 2011 at 5:00 am

    I’m new to your blog, but I just wanted to say that I think you are a fantastically gifted writer!!!
    ps. However, I am re-thinking about having #2 ; )

    • Reply Jo Peck March 6, 2011 at 1:38 am

      @ Jennifer – don’t rethink the #2… really, its a lot more fun with two than it is with one and double the blessings too!

      @ Daphne – imagine the dangers of quiet in a house with three kids… lets just say, anything can and has happened. Thank God for grace and patience given!

      • Reply daphne March 6, 2011 at 5:00 pm

        @ Jennifer, wow thanks! but Jo Peck is right. U should totally have #2. And then #3 and #4.

        @ Jo Peck, haha props to you!

  • Reply Jaq March 4, 2011 at 8:59 am

    Ironically, yesterday noon, Jodie just decided to get herself a scissors, sat down and cut her hair. There was clumps of hair on the floor too. LOL

    • Reply Ellen March 4, 2011 at 1:44 pm

      Hah. Hilarious. I guess someone needs to tell Jennifer (above) that you don’t need two for that kind of mess.
      Ellen´s last post ..Whereees Mamas Purse

      • Reply Jennifer March 4, 2011 at 2:03 pm

        are you serious? now I’m really scared…

    • Reply daphne March 6, 2011 at 5:01 pm

      @ Jaq, her own hair?? Her hair is so nice..WHY???? Poor girl

      • Reply Jaq March 7, 2011 at 9:14 am

        Yeah, her own hair. After reading your blog, I guess it set as a trend for toddlers !!

  • Reply Cherlyn March 4, 2011 at 12:47 pm

    Oh dear, is Kirsten still sad over her hair?

    • Reply daphne March 6, 2011 at 5:02 pm

      She’s better now. It’s just a little sparse on her left side, and good thing I don’t have a lot of mirrors her height in my house. =)

  • Reply Hann March 4, 2011 at 5:05 pm

    Sorry I can’t help laughing at what truett had done. Coincidentally, my 21mth old daughter mastered the art of haircutting last night. She cut MY hair w/o me knowing until I swept the floor this morning. And it’s not just the white ones she cut!!!

    • Reply daphne March 6, 2011 at 5:04 pm

      For real? What’s up with kids and hair-cutting? If they cut my hair I would be unbelievable upset.

  • Reply andy March 4, 2011 at 7:36 pm

    I hope Kirsten is ok. I am always paranoid when things are too quiet.
    Unfortunately, kids will come out with other “tricks” all too soon!
    andy´s last post ..I feel most Singaporean when

  • Reply Madeline March 5, 2011 at 2:28 am

    OH MY! No wonder parents are always warned to be wary when their kids are too quiet. My mum said when I was young and too quiet, it is either I’m up to no good or sick.. which is not good either way so she would keep an extra eye out for the quiet me.. Don’t think anything has changed till now.. haha =))
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  • Reply alexis March 6, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    HAHAHAHA it was too hilarious not too laugh.

  • Reply Double L's Mommy March 6, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    If the marker incident happens again in the future, which I hope not, you can try using chocolate, yes, you are reading it correctly, chocolate to “erase” it away. It will be less painful than trying to scrub the color off using soap and water, plus it smells really yummy too!
    Double L’s Mommy´s last post ..NO to More Babies and NO to Tiger Mom!

    • Reply daphne March 6, 2011 at 4:54 pm

      Serious??!! Dark or milk chocolate? There’s also the little problem of chocolate not lasting long enough in my house to be used as a cleaning agent.

  • Reply JZ March 6, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    I completely agree! Silence can only means mischief. Give me shouting or screams of “mommy mommy” and I can manage. Silence and I start to freak out slowly but surely.
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  • Reply The half blanket that stole my heart | MOTHER, INC. March 30, 2011 at 12:21 pm

    […] of the room and came back a minute later with a pair of scissors, causing me to overreact because the last time he held a pair of scissors, he butchered his sister’s hair. “You can’t play with the scissors, Tru, it’s very dangerous, go put it […]

  • Reply Dashsymons Systems April 29, 2015 at 9:59 am

    I was enjoying reading the story. You’re kids are hilarious and cute. But then you should have gone a CCTV.

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