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Too soon to be December

It’s 17 days to Christmas – too soon! It’s been a busy lead up to the end of the year, with the kids putting up 2 performances in the past 2 weeks.

Their O School dance recital was phenomenal, we had such a great time. More on this to come but we’re so chuffed that the kids got to be part of something so amazing.

o school

p/c: O School

Last week, Truett, Kirsten and Finn had their annual year-end school performance, with Truett officially graduating from preschool. He looked so grown up in his graduation gown and mortar board. Normally I’d be all teary and emo but watching him walk out confidently to receive his cert, I felt like we did ok. I really like how this boy turned out. :)

Finn spent his entire performance with him bum to the audience (so cute!!) but he nailed all the moves to Incy Wincy Spider, so points for that. Truett and Kirsten are now experienced performers and they both killed it for their dances. During the dance, it occurred to me that Kirsten is so much like me, except even more awesome. And that’s what kids are, isn’t it? They’re a better version of us and they’re going to do so much more that we ever thought possible. Okay, now I’m getting emo.


kirsten dance

truett dance

p/c: Kids’ preschool teachers

Towards the end, Kirsten was assigned the task of reading out all the names of the graduating K2 students and when she got to “Truett Kao Kai Xuan“, she looked so thrilled to be announcing her brother’s graduation. It was so sweet.


In other exciting news, my baby swing decided that he’s had enough and called it quits on me over the weekend. Yeah, my baby swing is a he. A manly baby swing called Thumper. Boys can be so temperamental sometimes.

It’s not been pretty. Because my baby loves his baby swing so. The only way Theo will take his naps is in this baby swing. And forget what they tell you about not letting your baby nap in a swing – I was a real nazi about this with Truett and Kirsten but let’s just say that I’m now a reformed baby swing believer. Whatever helps this baby to sleep for more than 15 minutes at a stretch, I’m down with that .

It also gives him cute bunny ears when he sleeps. There’s a lot to be said about cute bunny ears on a sleeping baby. This makes me laugh all the time.


So now that the swing refuses to swing no more, I have to sit beside him while he naps to swing it manually. It beats having to carry the baby for an hour but this really puts a crimp in my plans because this hour of nap time is sacred. I get a lot done in this time – food time, shower time, coffee time, plus a bit of work on those super special days where he decides to stay asleep for an extra 30 minutes.

You’d think he wouldn’t know the difference if he was fast asleep but once it stops swinging, he’ll open up one eye to peer at me with a face that says “get it together, momma, I’m trying to nap here.

I have 3 bigger kids and I tried making them take turns to swing the baby because what good are big kids if you can’t make them do menial tasks like manually swinging their baby brother, right? Kidding. They like doing it. But then they’ll giggle at his bunny ears and wake him up, which is the opposite of what I’m trying to achieve.

But hey, it’s almost Christmas and Christmas always makes things better. I might just take this time to transition him to cot napping. Hahahaha, or not, depending on how brutal things get. We’ll see how this goes.

Have a good December, you guys!

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  • Reply Adeline December 8, 2014 at 2:38 pm

    If you did eventually manage to transit Theo to cot napping, please do share the tricks for doing so because i have enough of carrying my lil one while he naps.

    • Reply Daphne December 8, 2014 at 3:49 pm

      LOL I feel your pain. I don’t have high hopes for this but I’ll update if he does end up taking his naps in the cot.

  • Reply glenelle December 8, 2014 at 3:04 pm

    Hi Daphne, is baby theo being swaddle all the time to sleep? Till how old do u stop swaddling cos my baby is 6 mth o she can’t sleep w/o being swaddled n must sleep on rocker in The day time. Any suggestion?

    • Reply Daphne December 8, 2014 at 3:51 pm

      Yes! He still needs to be swaddled to sleep. If not, he flails and wakes himself up and gets really upset.

      Most of my kids were swaddled till 7-8 months, Kirsten up to 9 months I think. Eventually they’ll outgrow it once they develop some motor control. :)

  • Reply Fannie December 8, 2014 at 4:55 pm

    The performance was great! Tru came over to take a picture with Brayden after the concert!

  • Reply Lyn lee December 9, 2014 at 6:15 am

    The bunny ears are hilarious! Super cute.

    Clever teachers that let the kids read the names! Can never go wrong, and will sound sweet regardless. And what a treat to announce her own bro’s name. Clever plan!

  • Reply Sy December 9, 2014 at 3:40 pm

    Hi daphne, are you using the fisher price snug bunny cradle n swing? I was contemplating but there seems to be many reviews about the strength of its motor. Was theo a heavy user?

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